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The dedication of the new beis midrash was the
crowning glory in the reestablishment and rehabilitation of
the Chassidic court that was razed to its foundation during
the Holocaust. Herewith a tour in the magnificent Belzer
complex against the background of personal reminiscences over
a period of fifty-six years dating back to the wondrous
rescue miracle of the previous Admor of Belz zy'o, and
the moving reception he was given upon his entry to
The spectacle is awesome and breathtaking.
From outside, one already finds it difficult to absorb the
full dimensions of size and its impact, and all the more so
when one stands within, inside the huge heichal, where
you must crane your neck to see the beautifully geometrically
sculpted ceiling rising to a height of eighty-one meters
(about 250 feet), and to focus on the nine crystal
chandeliers that erupt in prism-shattered majesty. Feeling
overwhelmed by this sight alone, your eyes are then drawn to
the magnificent Aron Hakodesh towering in front of you
in its elaborate carved bas-relief, reaching up almost the
full height of the hall and almost as wide as it is high. To
the right and the left on this southerly wall, and on the
eastern wall, are huge windows admitting the brilliant
sunlight. Along the two sides and the northern wall are
spacious galleries while along the main hall itself are the
many rows of seats capable of seating two thousand
worshipers. The interior design is extremely tasteful and
pleasing to the eye, creating an atmosphere of grandeur and
stateliness, "To glorify the House of Hashem."
This, in a nutshell, is the new gigantic beis midrash
standing proudly in the heart of the new complex of the
Belzer Chassidic court in Jerusalem, a center teeming with
never-resting life reflecting both Torah and chassidus,
from which the sound of Torah never ceases, but carries
on, twenty-four hours a day, seven days a week, all year
Only two days before Pesach was the actual work on the
crowning glory of this complex, its beis midrash,
finally completed. The event was celebrated in a most
original manner: through `A day that was all-Torah,'
literally, a full twenty-four cycle 'round the clock of Torah
study, with massive shifts of hundreds of studiers manning
them, from eve to eve. This memorable day was further
heightened with the moving dedication of eight new sifrei
Torah into the new premises amidst tremendous joy and
celebration, in true simcha shel mitzva, an exhibit of
"The joy of Hashem is your stronghold."
Leave it to the administrators and askonim under the
direction of the Admor of Belz to celebrate this momentous
event with the proper spiritual dimension for which this very
holy structure was designed and built, that is, for Torah
study and prayer. Thanks to their efforts, an inauguration
ceremony with speeches and greetings was superfluous. Nothing
could be more fitting for such an edifice than its own
dedication through actual study and prayer, whereby its walls
could immediately absorb a holy atmosphere which would
reverberate and echo for all time with that incipient Torah
give-and-take, fervent prayers and moving personal
techinos, with the mass recital of the entire
Tehillim to the tears of great joy mingled with
sadness for the remembrance of what was destroyed in the
original chassidic court in Belz, itself, where the dynasty
was first established, to carry on here forever more, till
the coming of Moshiach.
"With this shall Aharon enter the sanctuary," quoted the
Admor. "With this Torah, this preparation and inception of
Torah and holiness, shall we enter the Beis Hamikdosh."
Fifteen Years -- Then and Today
Many rich memories relating to the Belzer chassidic world
have been preserved in the mental archives of its followers,
evoked by this great historic event. There are parallels from
the dedication of the beis medrash in Europe to this
occasion of the dedication.
Then, as today, fifteen years passed from the laying of the
cornerstone until the completion of the structure. Then, in
5603 (1843), the Belzer Rebbe, Admor R' Sar Sholom
zy'o, founder of the illustrious Belzer dynasty,
foresaw in his holy vision a place of worship: " . . . my
Beis Knesses shall be one of the most splendid
synagogues in all of Jerusalem, and when the Kohen Godol will
go to perform his avoda in the Beis Hamikdosh, he will
have to pass by my synagogue."
Several months before his demise, his great-grandson, Admor
R' Aharon zy'o, said, "I don't know from our sources,
but gentiles related that when the beis midrash in
Belz was set afire, they saw a venerable looking, white-
bearded Jew, strolling within, saying, `Synagogue, synagogue,
don't you weep. For just as people prayed inside you, so will
they again pray within you in the future."
Under the heavy impact of rich memories, and from the holy
urge to renew the chain of rule and restore the crown to its
original glory, Belzer chassidim found themselves
mobilized by the thousands throughout the interim years to
realize this sacred mission. The goal: to reestablish the
glorious edifice that existed in Belz, in even greater
dimensions of size and space (as present needs dictate),
under the fervent, dynamic, energetic and indefatigable
guidance of the current Admor.
Throughout the entire incubation period, he was immersed in
the building plans, frequently supervising them himself at
the ground level, on site, through his great love for the
mitzva and his immense desire to propel it forward to its
final completion, while mobilizing the huge financial funding
that necessarily accompanies such a great venture. His
efforts were continually blessed with the aid and support of
the masses of chassidim whose donations poured in to
help realize the establishment of such a House of Hashem, a
mikdash me'at of splendor that today rises up proudly
to grace our holy city of Yerushalayim.
Small wonder that on the "Day that was All-Torah" upon which
was inaugurated the new gigantic beis Midrash, the
sense of tremendous accomplishment should find expression
among the throngs of Belzer chassidim who participated
in this event, both those who were there in person at the
actual festivities, and those present in spirit, in the
numerous Belzer enclaves throughout the entire world. All
were united through the satellite-beamed closed circuit
broadcasts and screens which presented the events as they
They shared the tremendous joy exhibited at this climactic
occasion, a completion of the actual construction, which was
actually a beginning, a dedication of a new start, a new
circle of rich Torah study and blessed chassidic activities.
The joy was not only that of the consummation of a building
project that was purely holy and destined to augment the
glory of Hashem and His Torah. It was far more: it was the
closing of a full circle, a historic cycle of sixty years,
dating back to the beginning of the Holocaust, of the
systematic destruction of the illustrious European Jewry,
including the birthplace of the glorious dynasty of the
Belzer chassidus in Galicia.
With a Procession of Children Near
Here, the writer of this article is able to relate to the
event on a personal level:
If the readers have noted that our impressions have been
tinged with a fervor and reverence that goes beyond the
normal account of a reporter covering a certain public event -
- they are correct. Indeed, I am extremely impressed, deeply
affected, emotionally moved and even wipe away a tear here
and there, because I, myself, was a young student in the Eitz
Chaim Talmud Torah and had the privilege -- both my brother
and I -- to be among those children who stood, one memorable
evening together with an enormous crowd on the outskirts of
Jerusalem, near Kfar Motza, waiting in electrified
anticipation for the coming of the wondrous tzaddik,
the saintly Admor R' Aharon of Belz zy'o, together
with his brother, the holy HaGaon Hatzaddik of Bilgorei,
after they had succeeded, through amazing miracles, to
survive the Holocaust and make their way to the Holy Land.
I don't really know who organized this mass exodus of
Jerusalemites to Motza and who thought of the idea of getting
cheder children to join those throngs. But I will
never forget the stirring scene: a black limousine in which
sat an elderly Jew, eyes tightly shut, enveloped in a huge,
heavy overcoat, shrunken almost like a skeleton. And next to
him, his brother, of similar description. The vehicle passed
between the throngs of welcomers lining the road, who gazed
expectantly and reverently upon the occupants. Since then, I
have eagerly followed the doings of the Belzer court and
noted how, from one year to the next it has grown, expanded
in size and quality. I still cannot cease marveling at this
phenomenon of growth, of which much has still to be said.
Then, as a small boy, I could not possibly absorb and
appreciate the event. Only many years later could I begin to
interpret the significance, of what we saw and experienced on
that memorable day of the Belzer Rebbe's arrival to
Jerusalem. We saw then what is meant by destruction, what was
the devastation executed by the Nazi fiend. Not only upon the
Belzer chassidus and not only against the exalted
tzaddik who glorified east European Jewry up till
World War II, but to all of Jewry, all of the strongholds of
Torah and chassidus that existed then and upon the
vibrant, throbbing Jewish life.
The Admor and his brother came alone, cindered remnants,
saved by the skin of their teeth, so to speak, without their
families, their children, their courts of chassidim,
without their scores of botei midrash scattered
throughout the settlements of Galician and Hungary. They,
two, singly, bereaved, stripped of everything, for this was
the stark reality of their survival. The sole survivors . .
The Burgeoning Renaissance in the Wake of the
It was in the winter of 5704. The ocean of blood shed in
Europe had not yet stopped streaming. The Yishuv in Eretz
Yisroel knew very little about the true scope of the
devastation and decimation. They did, however, know that
something dreadful was taking place.
And then came the news that the Tzaddik of Belz and his
brother, the Gaon of Bilgorei, had been saved and were
arriving in Eretz Yisroel. On the one hand, it was obvious
that they had come all alone, and the significance of this
was shocking. Without even one of their relatives -- not one
of the many branches of the family, nor any of the thousands
of loyal, devoted chassidim -- accompanied them. And
yet, the facts of the wondrous, miraculous odyssey of events,
each of whose turn was an additional miracle, was greatly
inspiring in itself. It showed the explicit guiding hand of
Providence at play. But further miracles were yet to develop,
since their rescue was a promising bud of a blooming
Jerusalem Jewry, of all stripes and streams, deeply moved by
the momentous news of their survival, flocked to greet the
two men. Many people, without any previous affinity to
chassidus, decided to cleave unto the Belzer Rebbe as
their leader, with loyalty and love. And slowly, a new growth
was visible. With sure steps, a solid foundation was created,
and one could again see the emergence of a Belzer court, at
first small in size, but fully intact with the full ingrained
Belzer tradition, nuances, lifestyle, characteristics.
Meanwhile, the exiles began gathering in, converging to the
hub, a few survivors here, there, some chassidim who
had the good fortune to escape the Holocaust before doom
struck, each one with his personal tale of Providence to
relate. All these were joined by newcomers to Belz, Jews who
studied the ways of the great Admor and sought to identify
with and join his ranks of followers. And all of these began
raising families in the traditional way of Belz.
The Belzer Rebbe first settled in Tel Aviv but visited
frequently in Jerusalem. In both places, Jews thronged to
pray in his proximity, to attend his holy tish, to
bask in his holy presence. Very interesting was the fact that
precisely during these times, when so many young folk eased
themselves away from traditional Yiddishkeit, away from the
yeshivos, and dropped out of religious life, the ranks of
Belz actually swelled and increased. So many youth were
attracted by the magnetic pull of Zionism, of nationalism, of
secular youth movements etc., because of their idealistic
appeal or because of their element of "forbidden fruit," and
yet, at this same time, chassidus was making
significant inroads and experiencing a rebirth according to
its age-old formula, along the selfsame lines and styles as
had existed in Galicia before the war, without a hairsbreadth
Belz became the symbol of renewal from the ashes, phoenix-
like resurgence from ruin, an example of hope and
encouragement for all other elements of Orthodox Jewry who
were determined not to succumb. Indeed, those few remaining
seeds sprouted with new life of Torah and of
chassidus. Vintage wine in new decanters.
I remember Shabbosos in which Jews crowded around the
tish, reverently studying the holy figure at its head,
from which only the eyes were visible, or gathering in the
chassidic beis midrash in Botei Warsaw on Shabbos when
the Admor came for the daytime prayers and read from the
Torah in person.
It was a scene to marvel at, for this man barely had the
strength to stand upon his own feet. When he walked, he had
to be supported by his loyal attendants on either side. And
yet, standing before the outspread scroll, his voice rang
out, thin, but sharp and audible, every word flowing
perfectly and rapidly from his lips and heard clearly. It was
evident to all that only an exalted spiritual force from
within enabled him to withstand this physical exertion.
Another Station on the Memory Track: the
Demise of the Saintly Tzaddik of Belz
Thus did the incredible process of the "rebirth of the dry
bones" develop, with its identifying symbol being the first
unforgettable picture of the elderly tzaddik, a mere
composite of skin and bones, sitting huddled in his huge
overcoat in the limousine that bore him to Jerusalem,
welcomed by the astonished throngs of Jews coming to pay him
homage. From that moment on, the slight figure evoked strong
feelings of reverence, awe, fealty and respectful
Another historic vision follows, similarly engraved upon
memories: that of the demise of the saintly Admor of Belz
zy'o, some thirteen years later. An indescribable,
incomparable pain grips the entire city in the month of Av,
5717 (1957). Those days were already completely different, in
every way, from the momentous day upon which he had arrived.
Masses upon masses of Jews crowd into the vast yeshiva hall
of the Belzer center on Rechov Agrippas, straining towards
the room where the holy remains lay, surrounded by many
candles and chassidim reciting Tehillim in
broken voices while rivers of tears flowed from their eyes.
And then the tremendous funeral procession that filled the
Jerusalem streets.
The question begins to gnaw in some people's hearts: will the
Belzer branch of chassidus, so recently transplanted,
struck roots, and having shown such promise -- will it
continue to sustain the new and promising growth? Will it
withstand this terrible blow of the tzaddik's
departure from this world, after his younger brother, the
saintly Gaon of Bilgorei ztvk'l, was prematurely
plucked from the land of the living several years before,
leaving behind a single son who was all of two years old? At
this gloomy stage, he was the only hope for the continuity of
the golden chain of Belzer chassidus.
This question did not only disturb the loyal followers and
adherents, but also preoccupied the minds of the many other
Jews who followed the developments of the rebirth and
resurgence of this dynasty -- that had begun with the
miraculous survival of the Rebbe and his brother -- with
great sympathy and deep reverence. But at this stage, as
painful and difficult as it was, Belzer chassidus had
already struck strong roots. All that was needed was a strong
will and iron determination to continue the growth and
We all know the rest of the story, from history. In the
interim, the scion and heir of the Belzer dynasty grew and
matured into manhood. When the happy time came, he was garbed
with the royal mantle of leadership and became the new Admor,
who now leads his glorious flock with strength and dignity.
That flock has grown, expanded and become a mighty force
This entire circle, with all of its forward steps and
vicissitudes, is the backdrop of a glorious picture which
unfolds these days, with the dedication of the new,
magnificent Belzer beis midrash, in the center of the
illustrious Kiryat Belz in Jerusalem, a community throbbing
with life, filled with housing units where Belzer
chassidim today carry on the succession of the Belzer
tradition from its inception in Galicia. This realization of
a vision has been central to the Rebbe's thoughts, hopes and
activities for all these years and his guidance has been
geared to this goal. Indeed, the present day Belzer community
imbibes from the fountains of yore, exactly as did the
original community, with no discrepancies in customs, dress,
lifestyle and everything that ever characterized Belz in the
times of the preceding leaders, the great Admorim of the
illustrious Belzer dynasty.
A Kirya Throbbing With Torah and
The construction of this beis midrash, from its
inception, took fifteen years, but even in the years
preceding it, Belzer chassidus was being built up from
the inside, in quality and quantity. The legions of
chassidim swelled and their institutions burgeoned at
a tremendously impressive velocity, with chadorim,
yeshivos ketanos, yeshivos gedolos, kollelim, educational
institutions for girls and institutions of charity and
welfare which encompass the huge public in every manner,
centers for kiruv, seminars for baalei teshuva -
- all demonstrating that Belz is not only a self contained
chassidic circle but a community at large, a true
"Machzikei Hadas" -- upholders of the faith, with all
that is necessary to maintain a Jewish community of scope and
size at all levels, just as in former times.
When one comes to behold and take pleasure from the
impressive sight of the new beis midrash, in all of
its full glory and rare grandeur, one is struck by the inner
quality of the Belzer community which captivates the
In the course of a tour of the new building, we traverse the
numerous halls and corridors of the lower floors of this
immense complex: we see the "smaller" botei knesses
which serve the needs of countless worshipers in
shteiblach-style, with one minyan following
fast on the heels of the previous one.
Then there is the old beis midrash, a spacious
auditorium in itself, filled to capacity with Torah scholars
bent over their gemoras, sifrei halocho, rishonim,
studying singly or in pairs, on a normal day of bein
hazmanim. Those studying number among the Belzer
chassidim, of course, but also include local
inhabitants of all the circles who live nearby.
The lights in this vast beis midrash are never
extinguished and it bustles with study-activity around the
clock, day after day, nonstop. The walls of the beis
midrash are lined with holy books, in addition to a
prestigious library of tens of thousands of works, covering
all aspects of Torah study, available to the studiers at all
times, for perusal. There are, for example, no less than one
hundred and thirty sets of the Talmud, a fact that
testifies to the vast number of people who come to study here
throughout the year.
A special campaign to increase the library was launched
before the dedication of the new beis midrash to fill
the shelves that line this gigantic hall as well, so that the
sound of Torah will ring out from here too and the scholars
will not have to go searching for a particular volume they
need. This, of course, in addition to the many thousands of
siddurim, Chumoshim and other basic texts.
Everything points to the inner, spiritual dimension of Torah
study and prayer. But great effort was invested in the
physical enhancement of this mikdash me'at, its
splendor and beauty. The huge walls are paneled with rare
marble, resembling wood, which creates a warm atmosphere
within its spaciousness. Special effort was invested in
ensuring the proper acoustics for a hall as immense as this.
Since this is one of the largest synagogues in existence, it
was necessary that all of its thousands of worshipers be able
to follow and participate in the service and to properly hear
the shaliach tzibbur. To ensure this, the best experts
were called in and they utilized their know-how to maximize
the auditory reception, not only in the grand heichal,
but also in the women's section in the upper gallery, the
other galleries set aside for the younger folk and the
numerous halls throughout the building.
Experts were also involved in the matter of lighting, that it
not only illuminate as most decoratively as possible, but
also as efficiently. The same applied to the air conditioning
and to an automatic system which opens and closes the windows
through special sensors. The seating accommodations are also
comfortable as well as luxuriously designed, each person with
his individual seat and shtender for prayer and
A Closing of a Significant Historical
All had been finished and completed and the beis
midrash was finally inaugurated, to the great joy of the
multitudes of Belzer chassidim and yet, with all of its great
significance, it is continually stressed that the building,
itself, is not the end purpose, and certainly not the pomp
and splendor which was invested in it, even if aesthetics
plays a vital role with regard to a House of Hashem.
It is the interior, its purpose and function, which counts.
As the Belzer Rebbe, himself, said, among other things, in
his dedication speech, "This holy Beis Midrash which we are
privileged to inaugurate now is, indeed, a magnificent
edifice. Its aron kodesh is beautiful, its chandeliers
are exquisite, but this is not the main thing. The primary
goal is for this Beis Midrash to serve as a continuation of
the holy edifice, the great beis midrash which my
esteemed ancestor, Maran R' Sholom, of Belz, founded and
built in the city of Belz, into which he invested great work
and which he endowed with much sanctity during its
construction. And later, of course, this sanctity increased
with the Torah study and prayers that filled it. My great-
grandfather and after him, my grandfather, added to the
buildings and expanded them, prayed in them and later my
uncle continued to vest the beis knesses and beis
midrash with added holiness until, due to our many sins,
they were destroyed during the times of suffering and
He added, "First and foremost, our prayer to Hashem is that
we be privileged to learn Torah in this beis midrash
for Torah's pure sake, and to pray in it with undivided
concentration, with pure heart and thoughts to Hashem. We
trust and hope that all of our prayers uttered in this
beis midrash ascend directly to the Heavenly Throne,
amidst the prayers of all Jewry, and be favorably accepted.
We pray that Hashem will shower upon us all, from Heaven,
collectively and individually, all of our needs, both
materially and spiritually, from now and forever more."
And so, the wheel has revolved a full turn, beginning in the
olden times of Belz up to this present day.
A smaller circle has also been completed, from the time that
the Admor R' Aharon of Belz came to Jerusalem. This is very
symbolically commemorated in the small corner specifically
set aside in the gigantic heichal of the beis
midrash, alongside the magnificent aron kodesh.
To the left, ensconced in a small transparent glass
compartment, stands the simple shtender and the old
wooden chair which served the saintly Rebbe for his prayers.
They are preserved just as they were, small and modest, with
parts of them chipped away -- not by age but by the fervent
adherence of faithful chassidim who sought to take a
small souvenir for themselves as a holy segulah. It
was imminently necessary to preserve these relics intact
behind lock and they have now found a suitable permanent
place in this new great beis midrash.
The contrast between the ancient shtender and chair
and their humble simplicity -- and the majesty and pomp of
this new, immense beis midrash, speaks volumes about
the transition from destruction to rehabilitation of the
illustrious Belzer chassidus. It so vividly evokes the
shattering picture of the Admor's arrival to the Holy Land, a
shard, a frame of skin and bones barely escaped from the Nazi
inferno. And now, through the mercy of Hashem, everything has
been reconstructed in greater glory.
Perhaps, we cannot help thinking, this event does not reflect
on this particular event alone, but also comes to personify
the whole picture of Orthodox Jewry which has been
resurrected from the flames and smoky ruins of the terrible
Holocaust, an outstanding symbol, a miraculous indication
that the Eternal G-d of Israel stands by His promise and His
people and will never let us down.
This celebration of Belzer chassidus and the victory
over the schemers of its destruction is, then, a celebration
for chareidi Jewry as a whole, for the entire Jewish people.
Would that this be a true harbinger of the complete
Redemption of our nation and of the imminent construction of
the Third Beis Hamikdosh on its designated site of Har
Habayis, so close geographically that it can actually be seen
from the new Belzer citadel.
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