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This Google Custom Search looks only in this website. Chinuch Advice from HaRav Berel Povarsky
"If the rebbi does not feel like a father to his students,
he is not fulfilling his mission, nor is the father
discharging his educational obligation to his children. It
is not merely an auxiliary advantage for a rebbi to regard
his students as his children, but a very requirement and it
is our duty to see that this prerequisite is fully
fulfilled." These words were spoken by HaRav Boruch Dov
Povarsky, Rosh Yeshivas Ponevizh and member of the Moetzes
Gedolei HaTorah, to a delegration of rabbonim from the
Chinuch Committee who came to his home in anticipation of
the 14th Convention, headed by Torah leaders and with the
participation of hundreds of mechanchim and principals, to
take place from Tuesday to Thursday, the 16th to the 18th of
Shevat in the Nir Etzyon convention center for three
intensive days of interspection, direction and guidance on
various burning topical educational issues.
Over the last three weeks, tens of thousands of people people participated in Agudath Israel's Rav Chaim Yisroel Belsky zt"l Global Chullin Initiative presentation by Rav Amitai Bendavid. His presentations were informative and included a hands-on demonstration of the complex areas of Torah that involve the treifos portions of maseches Chulin. The event series was generously sponsored by Meal Mart.
Water is flowing in the streams in the north of Israel in
amounts not seen in several years. Streams are full to
overflowing and the Kinneret is rising fairly fast.
A team of professional divers in Hungary in conjunction with Jewish organizations including Ichud Hatzalah have begun this past Tuesday on a search for bones of Jewish martyrs who died in Hungary during the course of the Holocaust when they were shot to death on the banks of the Danube River.
The vociferous debate in the Labor Party's gathering and its
public denial regarding the accelerating decline of this
political party is a historic tolling of the bells. The
parting and abandonment of this public from "the party which
established the State" is taking place at a very significant
time, seventy years since the establishment of the Knesset
legislature, seventy years since the first elections.
Someone mentioned that this party, which held high the red
flag and commemorated on May 1st the national anthem in the
`Internationale', is now experiencing its death throes after
seventy years. This is the exact figure which the Chofetz
Chaim designated as the life span of the frightful Communist
Party, seventy years comparable to the seventy years of the
Babylonian exile, a prediction attributed to him. Amazing,
indeed, to witness how the living spirit of Israel [as a
state] is now dying out, precisely after an identical period
in time.
For the first time in Israel and perhaps the entire world, a
privately-funded group is planning to try to send a
satellite to the moon. This project is expected to launch
this week.
A new Israeli study reveals that compared to the general
Israeli-born population, Holocaust survivors are less
healthy but live longer.
Rain and Kinneret Watch by Dei'ah Vedibur
Our weekly report of the rain and the level of the Kineret -
Winter, 5779.
* * *
From Our Archives The Facts, the Law and the Judgment of Nochum Korman
by B. Rabinovitz
Bold headlines appeared throughout the media when the ruling in the case of Nochum Korman, formerly head of security in Hadar Beitar, was handed down two weeks ago. Under a banner headline in Ma'ariv reading, "Life of an Arab Boy -- 6 Months Community Service" was a legal article from the pen of well-known leftist legal analyst, Moshe Negbi, with the headline: "Condoning Bloodshed."
Shmuessen from HaRav Yechezkel Levenstein ztv"l
by Yated Ne'eman Staff
A new book has come out containing shmuessen given by the mashgiach HaRav Yechezkel Levenstein ztv"l at Ponevezh Yeshiva during the years 5709-5726 (1949- 66). All the material in this book, Or Yechezkel -- Darkei Ho'avodo, has been taken from rare cassette recordings of the Mashgiach collected by family members, and is divided up according to topics. Since these printed sichos are exact transcripts of the original, the reader has a sense of being present at the original shmuess. Following is a selection of the Mashgiach's insights.
Tu BeShevat -- A Tikkun for Eating the Eitz HaDaas
by HaRav Aryeh Leib HaCohen Shapira
Part III
This is the third of three parts of an essay that explains many important and deep concepts that underlie the "minor" holiday of Tu BeShevat.
A Mission to Spread
Daas Torah
Looking for the
Best in Yiddishkeit
The Immorality
of Palestinian Combatants and Noncombatants