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Cigarettes May be Chometz and are Forbidden on Pesach
The production process of cigarettes these days is more complex than in the past. The cigarettes found abroad contain, aside from tobacco, an assortment of raw materials which serve to lengthen their shelf life, preserve their taste and promote addiction. These include starches, glues and many other ingredients, in addition to the tobacco which may be immersed in alcohol, serving as a basic filler for all cigarettes.
The Lettuce Farms of Mahmoud Nadaf
An Arab farmer, Mahmoud Nadaf, grows a good part of the lettuce that the Israeli community will eat this Pesach.
Without a Chashash Chometz
The Tzchebiner Rav, HaRav Dov Berish Weidenfeld zt'l, was famous for his exceptional modesty despite his greatness in Torah. At one time when a group of boys came to talk to him, a boy told the Tzchebiner Rav that on chol hamoed Pesach he saw the Rav's sefer on the Chazon Ish's table and the Chazon Ish was studying from it.
Rain and Kinneret Watch
by Dei'ah Vedibur Staff
Our weekly report of the rain and the level of the Kineret - 5778.
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From Our Archives
Selections from Haggadah Shel Pesach Arzei Halevonon
Compiled by HaRav Osher Bergman
The following selections are from the popular haggadah Arzei Halevonon that brings together divrei Torah from Torah giants of modern times, as selected by the compiler.
Pesach: The Victory of Light and Truth
by Mordecai Plaut
"Will the formula at last be found, by which love can coexist peaceably with justice, and freedom with law -- on this earth? Will light and truth finally gain genuine victories? Or will science and art debase themselves and increasingly become accomplices of sensualism and despiritualization? Will the mind of man bend ever lower under the yoke of sensuality?"
A Talking Mouth: Man, the Dolphin and the Splitting of the Sea
by Rabbi Meir Yisraelovitch
The faculty of speech does not seem unique to humankind. Dolphins have a rather sophisticated language. And a whole host of other creatures, great and small, from the birds in the trees to the ants in the ground, have elaborate modes of communication that scientists are only beginning to learn about.
A Mission to
Spread Daas Torah
for the Best in Yiddishkeit
The Immorality
of Palestinian Combatants and Noncombatants