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HaRav Dov Tzvi Karelenstein zt"l
Netanyahu's Support of Reform Draws Criticism
The Internet is the Prime Inciter of our Generation
Jerusalem Workshops in English to Deal with Fear
Dozens of your couples participated in a workshop on how to deal with terror trauma, organized in Jerusalem by the Israeli Bayit Cham organization. This was meant to counter the reactions from a wave of terror acts which has gripped the country this past month and caused many to turn to the Bayit Cham information hotline.
Niftar in 5531/1771
Together with his brother Rabbi Avraham, Rabbi Refael was orphaned from his illustrious father Rabbi Shmuel when the latter passed away in the prime of his life of twenty-one years.
From Our Archives
The True Path to Happiness in This World
by Mordecai Plaut
"And may Hashem give you from the dew of the Heavens and the fat (choicest) portions of the earth and much grain and wine. Nations will serve you and the sons of your mother will bow down to you. Those who curse you are cursed and those who bless you are blessed" (Bereishis 27:28).
HaRav Shach: The Father of Yeshivos in our Generation
by Mordecai Plaut
Pearls of Advice and Guidance Concerning Yeshivos
This is a themed collection of advice that various roshei yeshiva were given about running a yeshiva.
The Need to Conceal the Rationale of Mitzvos
by HaRav E. E. Dessler
[This shmuess was delivered at the Mashgiach's monthly shiur on Shabbos parshas Chukas 5764 and was written up by a member of the audience.]
Part III (Conclusion)
In the first part, HaRav Dessler asked several questions about the topic of the rationale of mitzvos, based on the famous discussion in Chazal of the Poroh Adumoh.
A Mission to
Spread Daas Torah
for the Best in Yiddishkeit
The Immorality
of Palestinian Combatants and Noncombatants