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A Window into the Chareidi World

5 Elul 5776 - September 8, 2016 | Mordecai Plaut, director Published Weekly

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At The Center of the Universe
At The Center of the Universe
by Mordechai Plaut

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Floor Tiles of Second Beis Hamikdosh Reconstructed

The City of David organization announced that its archaeologists from the Jerusalem-based Temple Mount Sifting Project have successfully restored a series of decorated floor tiles that paved the porticos atop the Temple Mount, and which likely also covered areas in the courtyards of the Second Temple as reconstructed by King Herod. The restored tiles were displayed on September 8th, at the 17th Annual City of David Archaeological Conference.



The New Year for Chinuch Atzmai

Chinuch Atzmai has grown this past year by seven percent. Seventeen classes have been opened in new schools, over forty classes have been added in existing schools and another one hundred and twenty classes in school buildings which have been transferred to the Chinuch Atzmai network.

Non-Certified Investments are Pikuach Nefesh

Professor Shmuel Hauser, Chairman of Stocks and Bonds, together with the top echelon of the Authority, presented a special briefing for chareidi communications representatives regarding the steep rise in the number of investment requests from the chareidi public due to the many instances in which chareidi families invested the bulk of their money in uncertain moneymaking schemes and lost their investments totally.

New Rabbi for Frankfurt

Rabbi Avichai Appel, who has served for the past eight years as chairman of the Orthodox Rabbinical Committee of Germany, the ORD, was unanimously chosen three months ago by the members of the Kehilla Committee as Chief Rabbi of Frankfurt, to serve in tandem with Rabbi Chaim Shoshan, who has served in this post for the past four years.

Jewish Remains Found in Munich Research Institute

Shock waves are rocking the entire Jewish world in general and more specifically the Jewish community of Munich. In the course of a reorganization of the Science Institute in Munich, dozens of Jewish specimens were discovered which had served for scientific research during the Holocaust.

From Our Archives


The Real Agenda is Elul

by Mordecai Plaut

Our agenda these days is dominated by thoughts of Elul and the upcoming yemei hadin. But a lot of people on the public scene have different agendas that they are pursuing with vigor.


Bas Ploni lePloni

by R' Refoel Berelsohn

Ideas and Guidance from our Masters regarding shidduchim.

Is it possible to lose one's Providential mate? What are the traits one should seek when one is looking for a spouse? How should one relate to a shidduch suggestion with several drawbacks? What about if someone has no means? What is someone is older?


The Foundations of the Torah Home: How to Establish a Stable and Successful Jewish Marriage

Based on the sichos of Morenu veRabbeinu HaGaon HaRav Chaim Pinchas Scheinberg, Shlita

Part I

Reality: First Marriage, Then Simchah

Marriage is a process, not an event. People who are caring, giving and understanding will live, grow and build together. Spouses who work together to build a Torah home, will enable the Tzelem Elokim within them to flourish. Simchah and shalom will fill their lives.


Av, 5765 - Kislev 5766 (August-December 2005)

May-July, 2005


The Message of an Earthquake

A Mission to Spread Daas Torah

Looking for the Best in Yiddishkeit

Can I - Should I?

The Immorality of Palestinian Combatants and Noncombatants

More Editorials . . .

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