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This Google Custom Search looks only in this website. This week I received calls from frightened people of all levels and ages regarding those addicted already to the Internet, expressing their reactions in naive denial. "I am able to watch over myself." "The nonsense doesn't begin to interest me." Nonetheless, these individuals need no more than two weeks [of exposure] to wipe out months and years of Torah, sanctity and wisdom.
Letter from HaRav Kanievsky shlita about the Internet To all those gathered this motzei Shabbos lesheim Shomayim on Parshas Vayechi in Rechovot through the network of rabbonim: Whoever had his ancestors' feet standing by Har Sinai and declares in Krias Shema not to "be led astray by their hearts and their eyes" knows clearly that it is severely forbidden to own and view [what is shown on the device of the] Internet or anything connected or resembling it, for he cannot escape succumbing to it and transgressing the most stringent prohibitions. There is no allowance whatsoever in the world to use it or part of it. This is the very Satan of our lowly generation and this is the very thing which destroyed the Heichal and which caused the destruction of the Beis Hamikdash, slays all the tzaddikim and it continues to dance in our midst (Yoma 69b). I call upon whoever finds himself in the proximity of the Internet, "Walk quickly to escape Gehennom" (Kiddushin 81a).
Rain and Kinneret Watch
Our weekly report of the rain and the level of the Kineret.
In honor of his yahrtzeit 16th Teves 5762
The name "HaRav Kreiswirth" needs no introduction, his
memory being still so fresh in the mind of today's Jewry.
We will relate here a few detailed incidents that bring out
the radiance of the multifaceted diamond of Antwerp; the
godol beTorah and pillar of chessed who gave his
life's energy for the sake of orphans, widows and any
brokenhearted person.
From Our Archives
Chanoch Lana'ar Al Pi Darko
by Rav Tzvi Yabrov
Part I
Adapted from the book Darchei HaChaim which includes guidance and hashkofoh in Torah, the basics of chinuch for our times, and tips heard and recorded from HaRav Michel Yehuda Lefkowitz.
A Many-Layered Problem
by T. Tzvielei
A fable about a little-white-lie that grew and grew. The Hebrew version of this story won first prize in an open contest for amateur writers.
A Mission to
Spread Daas Torah
for the Best in Yiddishkeit
The Immorality
of Palestinian Combatants and Noncombatants