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We Will Protect Israeli Citizens who are Also American Citizens
"I have received many inquiries from American citizens in Israel who are worried about the new law (FATCA) calling for supplying financial information to the U.S. according to the new agreement signed by the two countries. This new law will obligate many people, including average people who do not represent any financial bodies, to take various steps officially reporting financial status so as not to be in violation of the law." These were the words of MK Rabbi Moshe Gafni, chairman of the Knesset Finance Committee, in yet another discussion which took place on the subject of the implementation of the new agreement.
A Shabbos of Unity in Beit Shemesh
The Igud Bnei Yeshivos of Ramat Beit Shemesh A organized a special Shabbos of unity on Parshas Behaalosecha. All of the rabbonim of the neighborhood endorsed it and participated, and HaRav Elimelech Biderman was brought in to enhance the experience. Which he did:
Motzei Shabbos in Beit Shemesh
Public Transportation on Shabbos in Israel
The original Status Quo agreement on religious issues is again being threatened. This agreement was signed by Ben Gurion and the chareidi parties at the inception of the state and froze the situation at the time in every religious area then and for future government decisions and policy. It included the area of public transportation which was absolutely prohibited on Shabbos. At the time there was no public transportation anywhere in Israel on Shabbos except for Haifa, which has thus been allowed buses on Shabbos, most probably because it had a large Arab population. This Status Quo is anchored in the original fundamental underpinnings of the government, although attempts to breach it are continuing, with the goal of permitting public transportation to operate on Shabbos unconditionally.
MKs Rabbis Litzman, Deri and Gani meet last week to discuss the public transportation issues in Israel.
Jewish Cemeteries in Algeria will be Removed in Six Months
An eleventh hour attempt to prevent the desecration of the Jewish deceased buried in Algeria is in full swing. Agudath Israel in Europe has publicized a last minute cry to all former Algerian Jews and their families to take immediate steps to exhume the remains of their buried relatives and relocate them to French or other cemeteries following a temporary permit from the Algerian government, achieved with much effort. A report states that if the remains are not removed within the next six months, they will be dug up by the government and cremated.
Giant Recall of Products with Peanut Traces
A warning to consumers allergic to peanuts - you have been sold products which do not designate their full contents. Many food companies admit that they are making a recall of certain products on the market which contain traces of peanuts, although this is not specified on the wrapping. At the time of manufacture this was not known. These companies include Zanlakol (Yachin, Pri Mevorach and others), Strauss, Zoglobek, Pri Chen, Meir Beigel, Tirat Zvi of Tnuva, the Baladi company and supplier of the private Supersol trademark, Of Yerushalayim and others. These announcements were formulated for the Health Ministry and said products will be removed from the shelves. Consumers who have already bought them and are sensitive to peanuts will be able to exchange them or get their money back. It is not certain whether they will receive compensation.
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From Sinai Until Now: Moshe Rabbenu's Torah
A Shmuess Delivered by HaRav Yitzchok Hutner zt'l, Shavuos 5740
Excerpts from Reshimos Lev written by Reb Leibel Rutta
Part II
In retrospect, it is striking that on the last Shavuos of his life he dwelt on the fact that, "Every generation loses a Moshe Rabbenu, with whom three thousand halachos are also lost" (they were forgotten during the mourning period of Moshe Rabbenu). However, we also received a special gift from Moshe that retrieves forgotten teachings - pilpul. Besides the actual Torah that Moshe taught Yisroel, he generously shared this means of preservation of Torah.
The First of Sivan 5766
By HaRav Yehoshua Shklar, one of the first talmidim of Yeshivas Be'er Yaakov, his disciple-son
Speech is one medium of communication; writing is another. A third is the outpouring of a heart.
But wait - the heart feels, it doesn't talk!
In Tehillim, though, we find that Dovid Hamelech says, "For Your sake, my heart says, `Seek out My face'; I will seek out Your face, Hashem" (27:7).
Av, 5765 - Kislev 5766 (August-December 2005)
May-July, 2005
The Message of an
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Can I -
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The Immorality
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