The Igud Bnei Yeshivos of Ramat Beit Shemesh A organized a special Shabbos of unity on Parshas Behaalosecha. All of the rabbonim of the neighborhood endorsed it and participated, and HaRav Elimelech Biderman was brought in to enhance the experience. Which he did:
Bane'olim! Pe'omayich Bane'olim! Rabbosai! Have you internalized this idea?
The beauty of Pe'omayich Bane'olim is attributed to the olei regolim. But it is surprising and amazing that the aliya leregel is symbolized by shoes!
HaRav Shlomo Zalman Auerbach zt"l explained: The olim to Yerushalayim on the Sholosh Regolim left behind virtually all of their earthly possessions: their homes and gardens, their fields and vineyards, their livestock and fowl. Remember that in those days there were no alarm systems or surveillance cameras and no insurance.
We can imagine that many of those traveling to Yerushalayim had more than a touch of worry along the way. What if someone breaks in to his home? What if his livestock break free? But he soon overcomes his worries, recalling the promise of the Torah: No one will covet your lands.
He strides on. Looking forward to the spiritual uplift of celebrating the yom tov in Yerushalayim. From time to time a stray thought insinuates its way about the property he left behind, but it is always beaten back by his emunah and bitochon.
But the struggle continues, until he reaches the very gates of the Beis Hamikdash. Then he takes off his shoes and enters. Once inside, there are no homes and gardens, no fields and vineyards. There is only the Shechinah. Kedushoh. The height of spirituality. He would never think about his chickens at a time like that.
Now the question is posed: When is our Father in Heaven happier with his sons on earth? When he is on his journey to Yerushalayim plagued by all sorts of doubts, or when he is in G-d's Temple, cleansed of all earthly concerns and basking in the Divine light?
Isn't the answer obvious?
Ai, Ai Ai... concluded HaRav Shlomoh Zalman: The posuk comes to tell us that the true beauty from the Heavenly perspective is davka on the trip, Bane'olim! When the Jew is still stuck in his shoes, before he has shed them to enter the Beis Hamikdash. It is while he was in his shoes that he struggled and overcame, was tested and succeeded. This is what is important and cherished by Hashem more than the state of unworldly spirituality.
And do you know why, concluded HaRav Elimelech Biderman, because HaKodosh Boruch Hu has plenty of Angels up on High. Pe'omayich Bane'olim
Do you know what Maran HaRav Shach told my father zt"l? Before the war HaRav Shach was rosh yeshiva in Karlin. The minhag in Karlin is to say Yedid Nefesh with his'orerus, with eish kodesh, kolos ubrokim. Maran HaRav Shach used to say that their Yedid Nefesh used to power his learning for a whole week.
During a shiur on Pirkei Ovos, HaRav Elimelech told of a Jew who came to the Rosh Yeshiva HaRav Shteinman shlita for advice about sholom bayis. "The answer is to compromise," he was told. But this poor Jew replied, "But she is not ready to do it." Again, "The answer is to compromise." "But she is not willing. Maybe I should bring her here to the Rosh Yeshiva..."
He did not get the point that he should be the one to compromise.