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The Evils of the Internet: We Have Nothing to do with the Other Side
"There is no need to explain what a devastating abyss lies in all of these profane things, but there is a need for a person to fight against them so that he not even be drawn to this hell-hole. This is the whole difference between our world of purity and wholesomeness, Boruch Hashem, and their world."
Gathering at the Arena with the Members of the Moetzes Chachmei HaTorah
Over ten thousand students of the Bnei Yosef - Maayan Hachinuch HaTorani school network participated in a very moving gathering in the Arena auditorium in Jerusalem. HaRav Shalom Cohen, the Nasi of the Moetzes Chachmei HaTorah, addressed the audience and said: "The great light of the world is here amongst you, children of Torah!"
From Our Archives |
Important Ruling on Brain Death
by Mordecai Plaut
The {original letter} as published in Yated Ne'eman on 27 Tishrei 5752
In our issue of 27 Tishrei 5752 (October 4, 1991), we published a very important statement signed by HaRav Shlomo Zalman Auerbach zt"l and ylt"a Maran HaRav Eliashiv on the subject of removing organs for transplants. The issue arose recently in connection with an unfortunate occurrence at the Shaarei Tzedek hospital in Yerushalayim.
The Chareidi Plan for Peace in the Middle East
by Mordecai Plaut
After the poor soldier (Gilad ben Avivah) was captured by Hamas and Israel responded by launching a major ground operation in Gaza, the first thing the pundits analyzed was how the developments affected what was originally known in English as the "convergence" plan, but then became known as "consolidation" and finally is currently known as the "realignment" plan of Prime Minister Ehud Olmert. (The Hebrew name has not changed: Tochnit Hitkansut.)
The Unborn Children
by Sara Gutfreund
She sits in the garden beside the stone wall. In the waning, summer light, the stones turn colors - muted yellow becomes brick red which slowly transforms into the palest of pinks. As twilight fills the sky, she re-arranges the balls of yarn that are stuffed into the straw basket on her lap. All afternoon she has been knitting a blue and white blanket for her new grandson. She stands now and inhales the scent of freshly cut grass rising from her lawn. She notices that some of her geraniums are withering now. Bending down, she pulls off the dying petals and in a sudden barrage of images, her dream from the night before descends upon her.
Av, 5765 - Kislev 5766 (August-December 2005)
May-July, 2005
The Message of an
A Mission to
Spread Daas Torah
for the Best in Yiddishkeit
Can I -
Should I?
The Immorality
of Palestinian Combatants and Noncombatants
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