Over ten thousand students of the Bnei Yosef - Maayan Hachinuch HaTorani school network participated in a very moving gathering in the Arena auditorium in Jerusalem. HaRav Shalom Cohen, the Nasi of the Moetzes Chachmei HaTorah, addressed the audience and said: "The great light of the world is here amongst you, children of Torah!"
HaRav Shimon Baadani: "There are another million children who wish to learn Torah. We must prepare an educational structure for them."
HaRav Reuven Elabaz: "Today, baruch Hashem, we see thousands and tens of thousands of Jews studying Torah everywhere. You are the young goats who are continuing this trend."
HaRav David Yosef: "We see today how the secular educational stream is going bankrupt. We see how [the public] is grappling with educational inadequacies and deficiencies. Such things do not even exist in our educational system."
HaRav David Batzri led the momentous climax of kabbolas ol Malchus Shomayim with the children who declared "Shema Yisrael" and "Hashem Hu haElokim" in resounding voice.
Chairman of Shas, Rabbi Arye Deri, "We declare to the late Rishon leZion, HaRav Ovadia Yosef: These are your children. This is all thanks to you."
The scene at the Arena Auditorium during the rally