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Israel is Demanding that all Gemachim with American Connections Comply with FATCA
Directors of gemachim can breathe a bit more freely now. In a meeting this past Monday in the Knesset Financial Committee, thanks to the initiative of Rabbi Moshe Gafni, a solution was put forward which will enable Israeli free loan gemachim to continue functioning even after the amendment of the internal revenue law is passed calling for all financial institutions in Israel to report properties owned by American citizens in Israel to the American internal revenue authorities via the Israeli government tax authorities.
94th Agudah Dinner Celebrates 75 Years of Camp Agudah
Over a thousand people gathered at the Hilton New York in Midtown Manhattan on Sunday June 5th for Agudath Israel of America's 94th annual dinner, in tribute to Camp Agudah in honor of the camp's 75th anniversary.
Rescuing People from the Forbidden Technological Devices is Saving Lives from the Bottommost Abyss
Remarks at a gathering in Bnei Brak.
Rabbenu Yonah writes at the beginning of his sefer: "Among the blessings which Hashem bestowed upon His creations was to pave the way for them to rise up from the trap of their own making and sinning so as to rescue their souls from doom and turn away His wrath from them..."
Preparing a Yahrtzeit Candle When Shavuos is on Sunday
It is customary to light a yahrtzeit candle for the souls of departed relatives when Yizkor is said on Yom Tov. This year, it should be lit on Friday, rather than on Yom Tov eve, since lighting such a candle is considered `ner shel batala,' whose light does not enhance the festival and is therefore forbidden to be lit on Yom Tov itself (see Biur Halacha, Siman 514, Se'if 10).
Ancient Jewish Cemetery in Jamaica has Pirates Buried There
The tourist agency in Jamaica said that one of the tourist sites that has become very popular recently is the Jewish cemetery there. Visitors come from all over the world. Among the graves there are some purported to be of religious Jewish pirates who attacked Spanish ships entering the seas surrounding the island in retaliation for the Spanish expulsion of Jews in 1492.
From Our Archives |
The Security Fence Around Torah
by Dovid Leitner
A great amount of emphasis is placed on the demarcation boundaries that were set on Mount Sinai to ensure that none of the people ascended the mountain to a higher point than permitted. As part of their initial preparations, the Torah warned the people (Shemos 19:12), "Guard yourself from ascending the mountain or touching its edge."
The Importance of our Personal Portion of Torah
By Shlomo Furst
The Nachalas Yaakov in his preface to his commentary on Masechtos Ketanos quotes the remarkably inspirational words of the Midrash Rabboh: "Rabbi Yitzchok said: `What the prophets were to prophesy in the future, in each and every future generation, was [already] received on Sinai . . . And not only did every prophet receive his prophecy from Sinai, but also the chachomim that arise in each and every generation - every single one of them received his [chochmoh] from Sinai'" (Midrash Rabboh, Parshas Yisro 28:6).
Torah is For Everyone and Everything
By Mordecai Plaut
As we know, all of Klal Yisroel accepted the Torah on Shavuos. It was given to all of them, and not just to some elite group. Everyone is invited - even required - to study it to the best of his ability. One of the highest and most prestigious callings in life is harbotzas Torah - spreading Torah as far and as wide as possible.
Av, 5765 - Kislev 5766 (August-December 2005)
May-July, 2005
The Message of an
A Mission to
Spread Daas Torah
for the Best in Yiddishkeit
Can I -
Should I?
The Immorality
of Palestinian Combatants and Noncombatants
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