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Israeli Election Campaign Moves into the Final Stretch
We present herewith an excerpt of remarks by HaRav Yitzchok Zilberstein at an election event. Such rallies were held around the country. There have been election rallies in most chareidi neighborhoods and some larger rallies, including a very large one in Bnei Brak on Wednesday evening.
Dirshu Halachic Daf Yomi Siyum
The entire Torah world is expectantly waiting to join the wide circle of participants in the siyum of the first cycle of Daf Hayomi beHalacha indicative of widespread interest aroused this past Purim. The new cycle, second since its foundation, will be launched in the coming weeks, and will include a worldwide program of daily study in Mishna Berurah under the auspices and initiative of Dirshu.
Rain and Kinneret Watch
Our weekly report of the rain and the level of the Kineret.
From Our
Excerpted by B. Re'eim
Excerpts from a book recently released, on the life and works of HaGaon R' Mordechai Pogramonsky zt'l, one of the great figures of Telz, Lithuania. This chapter focuses on the Holocaust period and reflects R' Mordechai's outlook on the troubles which visited the Jewish people.
by Rabbi N. Grossman
Ever since the spiteful cutbacks in government support for the economically weaker sections of society, including the Torah-studying community systematically carried out by the previous Likud-Shinui-Mizrachi government against Torah institutions in general and kollelim in particular, the financial hardship of kollel members who, with mesirus nefesh, devote their life to Torah study has been in the limelight.
A Mission to
Spread Daas Torah
for the Best in Yiddishkeit
The Immorality
of Palestinian Combatants and Noncombatants