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A Letter on The Dangers of "WhatsApp"
A Mechanical Lift for the Handicapped on Shabbos
The Milbat company, serving the handicapped and producing various equipment for their needs, reports progress on the development of a mechanical lift which is not operated by electricity. Thus, one can use it for the handicapped without fear of desecrating the Shabbos.
Increased Security on Har HaZeisim
The police have been recommending fencing off the eastern section of Har Hazeisim and closing off the roads leading to the plot of graves with gates. This was discussed on Monday in the Interior Committee of the Knesset regarding security of this site.
They stood there awkwardly at the entrance to the marquee, too embarrassed to enter. The large tent was one of many set up this year in Meron to accommodate the multitudes of Yidden who had come to the tiny mountain village for Lag B'Omer and the Shabbos following.
From Our
by S. Fried
More and more people miss the simple weddings of old. Once, as the older people relate, weddings were entirely different: The musicians were different from the bands they have today, the quantity of people was different, the food was different, and so was the atmosphere - but most important, the simcha was of another kind. What follows is an anecdotal survey of weddings as they once were in Yerushalayim and elsewhere.
We Will Stand Guard for Our Chinuch with Sacrifice and Staunch Loyalty
by R' Meir Munk
Chinuch is the quintessence of Judaism. Avrohom Ovinu was commended, "For I know him, that he will command his children and his household after him." From all of Avrohom's laudable deeds and practices, the one chosen as outstanding was that he instructed his children and household. The essence of Yiddishkeit is to teach and to instruct.
A Mission to
Spread Daas Torah
for the Best in Yiddishkeit
The Immorality
of Palestinian Combatants and Noncombatants