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Da'as Torah
Regarding the Obligation to be on Guard Against Internet Dangers at the Work Place
It is public knowledge that the Internet has made terrible inroads in Jewish homes, felling many souls to perdition, Rachmono Litzlan.
Consult the Rabbinical Committee to Strengthen the Walls of the Religion
Gedolei Yisroel headed by HaRav Shteinman and HaRav Kanievsky have publicized a Daas Torah letter regarding the necessity to guard against the pitfalls of the Internet at places of work. Those who require it should make sure that there is proper blockage as advised and guided by the Ve'idas HaRabbonim Levitzur Chomos Hadas which guides those who are forced to use it for their livelihood, based on the specific ruling of their rav.
Our Job is to Prevent the Desecration of Holy Writings
As we find ourselves before Lag B'Omer when tens of thousands people going up to pray at the grave of Rashbi, we would like to publicize an illuminating story:
Missionary Conference in Jerusalem's Arena
Exposed: A huge Christian rally headed by the Empowered21 movement from all over the world is scheduled to take place in the huge Arena stadium belonging to the Jerusalem municipality, also involving mass Shabbos and Yom Tov desecration. Claiming to be the fastest growing segment of Christianity, the Spirit-empowered movement aims to expand Christian activities in Jerusalem in particular, and in Israel as a whole. Many of the leaders come from evangelical and missionary segments of Christianity.
The Shomer Shabbos public has eagerly received the news of the recent installation of non-Shabbos violating digital water meters in many locations throughout the country. These meters have already been set up on a limited basis in Beit Shemesh, Rosh Pina, Beit Chilkiya and other places.
In honor of his yahrtzeit 6th Iyar 5714/1954
During the first years of World War II, Rabbeinu wandered from town to town, finally reaching Pressburg where he sought a place to hide out.
From Our
by Mordecai Plaut
HaRav Abba Berman zt"l, one of the great talmidim of Mirrer Yeshiva, who was niftar this past week, explained that there are two bases for making a claim against another person: you can ask for your own money or property that the other person is holding, or you can ask the other person to fulfill his obligation to pay some money - that happens to be owed to you.
by HaRav Nachum Diamant
In the first part, HaRav Diamant discussed the importance in chinuch of repetition and review. Sometimes it seems as if a child is not listening and it may be that he is not paying attention and therefore does not absorb what we are saying. However if we say it over and over again, the words eventually penetrate. We have to see our repetition as a long- term investment that eventually brings its returns. He gave the example of his mashgiach, HaRav Eliahu Lopian zt"l, who repeated a set of kabbolos at the beginning of every mussar vaad. Even though the bochurim tired of the repetition, the lessons really penetrated.
A Mission to
Spread Daas Torah
for the Best in Yiddishkeit
The Immorality
of Palestinian Combatants and Noncombatants