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This is to arouse the public to strengthen itself in the matter of tznius, since this is a fundamental issue and chas vesholom, if this is lacking, it is written that Hashem will recede from us, in other words, remove His Shechina from our midst chas vesholom. To our dismay, there is a tremendous regression in this area even in part of the camp which is bound to Hashem and His Torah, thereby stumbling and creating a stumbling block for others.
European Curbs on Bris Milah of Concern to American Agudah
At the invitation of Ira Forman, the U.S. State Department's Special Envoy to Monitor and Combat Anti-Semitism, three prominent Agudath Israel officials met with him in his office to discuss efforts in several European jurisdictions to regulate or even ban bris milah.
Gross Brothers Transferred from ICU to Hospital Ward
Thanks to Hashem's compassion, the medical condition of the two brothers, Chaim Michoel Shlomo and Refoel Yitzchok Isaac Gross continues to improve. On Monday afternoon, the two boys were transferred from the Pediatric Cardiac Intensive Care Unit to a regular ward, after having been hospitalized close to two weeks in the Schneider Children's Medical Center in Petach Tikva. It is very significant that the two brothers no longer need intensive medical supervision but remain in the hospital merely for general follow up control until they are deemed ready to be released.
Inauguration of Renewed Yad Sarah Emergency Center Al Pi Halochoh
Yad Sarah was the first in the world to create an Emergency Aid Control Center for the homebound. Today, as well, with many medical and professional companies marching behind, the Yad Sarah emergency center is still the only such service which operates according to the strict letter of the Halacha, under the guidance of the gaaved of Darkei Torah, HaRav Asher Weiss.
Our weekly report of the rain and the level of the Kineret.
Above all, Reb Avrohom was renowned for his unparalleled dikduk beTorah uvemitzvos. An initial example is that, although the minhag of the other Rebbes in Poland was to daven nusach Sefarad, R' Avrohom chose to use nusach Ashkenaz, claiming that it was more correct.