Thanks to Hashem's compassion, the medical condition of the two brothers, Chaim Michoel Shlomo and Refoel Yitzchok Isaac Gross continues to improve. On Monday afternoon, the two boys were transferred from the Pediatric Cardiac Intensive Care Unit to a regular ward, after having been hospitalized close to two weeks in the Schneider Children's Medical Center in Petach Tikva. It is very significant that the two brothers no longer need intensive medical supervision but remain in the hospital merely for general follow up control until they are deemed ready to be released.
The Gross family enthusiastically admits that the boys' condition is far better than was predicted by the doctors at the beginning and that assuredly, it was in the merit of the combined prayers of the entire Jewish people that they have progressed so far and so quickly.
"We transfer children from the ICU unit as soon as we think that the children no longer require special support and ongoing supervision. They are now receiving oral medication and their breathing has also stabilized. They appear to be in good condition and are ready for rehabilitation, mainly physical. Their muscles have weakened and they are undergoing physiotherapy to remedy this condition and restore the body to good muscular tone," said Dr. Ovadi Dagan, head of the ICU cardiac unit at Schneider's.
Last Wednesday, the doctors revived Yitzchok from the sedation he had been under since the disaster and to everyone's joy, he communicated with his parents, speaking weakly, but it was already apparent that he had not suffered any brain damage. Last Thursday, his older brother, Michoel Shlomo, underwent the same treatment and similarly regained consciousness. The hospital staff predicts that they will be released to their homes within the coming weeks.
The family wishes to thank Am Yisroel for all the prayers and support extended to date, but beg the public to keep on praying urgently and to arouse heavenly mercy for the complete recovery of Chaim Michoel Shlomo ben Michal and Refoel Yitzchok Isaac ben Michal, amidst all the other ailing members of Klal Yisroel.