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The Cry of Shabbos in Tel Aviv
The Chief Rabbi of Tel Aviv and former Chief Rabbi of Israel, HaRav Yisroel Meir Lau, sent a letter to the mayor of Tel Aviv, Ron Chuldai, asking that he stop the pending amendment to local laws allowing grocery stores to operate on Shabbos and Yom Tov. In his letter, he notes: "The outcry of Shabbos bursts forth from the very chambers of my heart and I cannot remain silent. The bill before you will not only cause chillul Shabbos but perhaps even its abolishment, chas vesholom."
To the Editor:
About a year ago you had a little "article" saying: "Rabbi Bechaye said that if you write posuk 8 from perek 11, from Sefer Shemos, and put it on the place where you're giving birth you'll have an easy delivery." (I'm not quoting perfectly, but this is the idea of it.)
Our weekly report of the rain and the level of the Kineret.
From Our
by Rabbi Daniel Yaakov Travis
A Change of State
King Solomon remarked about himself that all of the gates of Divine wisdom had been opened to him, with the exception of one: he did not know why the Poroh Adumoh (red heifer) purifies the impure yet at the same time contaminates the individuals who are involved with its preparation. Although we cannot hope to shed light on an issue which was unclear to the wisest of all men, perhaps we can try to fathom why Hashem chose this particular area of Torah to be left beyond the grasp of our intellect.
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for the Best in Yiddishkeit
The Immorality
of Palestinian Combatants and Noncombatants