To the Editor:
About a year ago you had a little "article" saying: "Rabbi Bechaye said that if you write posuk 8 from perek 11, from Sefer Shemos, and put it on the place where you're giving birth you'll have an easy delivery." (I'm not quoting perfectly, but this is the idea of it.)
Well, I started giving this to everyone I saw that was about to give birth.
One young woman had her first child in 15 minutes!
My daughter had had a lot of trouble giving birth, but after I gave this to her, she had her next baby in one hour, and 3 minutes later she called me to say she was fine.
Can you tell me where this was quoted from?
Many thanks.
C. R. S.
Editor's Note: This is what Rabbeinu Bechaye says (in part) on Shemos (11, 8) Tzei atoh vechol ho'om asher beraglecho: ... From this verse is derived the well-known (Holy) Name for a woman who is having trouble giving birth. It has enormous power to open the bonds of a baby who is bound in a prison, and to bring him out from his confinement to the air of the world so that he will be zoche to Torah since man is born to toil of Torah, just as the nation of Israel went out of their confinement to receive the Torah in the third month....
Note that we first received this letter 17 years ago.