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Positive awareness follows the recent meeting held last week in the conference hall of the Religious Council of Jerusalem to strengthen and broaden the circle of agricultural Shmittah observers. It was attended by the elite of rabbonim in Eretz Yisroel and representatives of mehadrin kashrus supervision. Highlighting this gathering was the establishment of the Vaadas Hashmitta Ha'artzis, the National Shmittah Committee.
The High Court Stole Food from Children
MK Rabbi Moshe Gafni vehemently attacked this past Monday the Supreme Court judge who sports a knitted kipah, Elyakim Rubinstein, branding him "a rasha who steals bread from children, in wake of the court's ruling which has abolished the budget allocation for negative income grants being paid heretofore to avreichim."
Good news, for a change, in contrast to the rising anti- Semitism throughout Europe: the Spanish village previously called Castrillo Matajudios, which translates to "Death to the Jews", decided to change its name after 400 years. This village, with a population of only 56, has voted for a change of name by a large majority.
The holy Chasam Sofer zt"l would give his shiur to his talmidim as though he had never learned the topic before, starting with the dibbur hamaschil and its simple translation and then, step by step, one stage at a time, go deeper into the sugya, so that even the weakest of his pupils would understand. This, he taught, is the obligation of every rabbi: to teach his pupils on their level.
From Our
by R' A. Chefetz
Poverty and deprivation were the constant companions of our great sages throughout history. Precisely through want and lack were they able to reach such great heights. We present a spectrum of facts and stories, most of which have never seen publication, revolving around Torah study through poverty. We have peppered this selection with stories concerning study through pain, illness and suffering. We offer grateful acknowledgement to the author of Hi Sichosi.
By Mordecai Plaut
About 33 years ago in Toronto where he was rosh yeshiva at the time, HaRav Yaakov Weinberg zt"l said that he was worried about the future.
by Rabbi Dov Eliach
Part Two: Along the Pathways of the PaRDeS
For Shavuos, this exploration of the Gaon's teachings about Torah, to help us appreciate the wonderful gift that Hashem gave us.
Multiple Levels
by HaRav Michel Yehuda Lefkowitz
We are now approaching Shavuos, the yom tov commemorating our receiving the Torah at Mount Sinai, which is a time of genuine simchah for Klal Yisroel. We have a well-based principle: All our yomim tovim teach us invaluable lessons. Hashem designated these special days to the Jewish Nation to bond each one of us to the past. Through examining the parsha that Chazal chose for us to read in krias haTorah on Shavuos, we gain the desired benefit of these yomim tovim for both the present and the future.
A Mission to
Spread Daas Torah
for the Best in Yiddishkeit
The Immorality
of Palestinian Combatants and Noncombatants