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All Concur that the Heter Mechirah is Worthless
"The heter mechirah is not worth anything, in every aspect, and those who rely on it are misguided and have nothing upon which to rely." These were the words of HaRav Chaim Kanievsky in a rare interview in his home with the Musaf Shabbos Kodesh of Yated Ne'eman staff regarding the laws of Shmittah which will appear in this upcoming Erev Shabbos edition. The talk revolved around the publication of the new work, Siach Hashmittah, a treasury of all the halachic decisions on Shmittah culled from his words, letters and practices, and his major work, Derech Emunah.
Address of HaRav Aharon Leib Shteinman
Boruch Hashem, we are past the bein hazmanim period, days which are not so favorable since students are not learning in yeshivos, but now they have resumed the regular sessions which is the source of life for Klal Yisrael.
Rockets Falling in Bnei Brak - Chazon Ish Version
Now that the war has ended in Eretz Yisrael B"H, it behooves us to introspect and thank Hashem for His daily miracles for us. Thousands of missiles were fired and very few were hurt. As a Bnei Brak resident, I feel Hashem's tremendous chessed towards us for having planted the godol hador, the Chazon Ish, in our midst, who blessed the city in his time that no rockets fall in this city. And being that "tzaddikim are greater after death than in their lifetimes," as HaRav Chaim Kanievsky declared, this blessing was effective in our period as well.
Substandard Conditions in Chareidi Schools in Mixed Neighborhoods
"There is no Third World country which treats its children thus; I have never seen the likes of this," declared MK Rabbi Moshe Gafni on Monday in the course of a tour throughout Jerusalem by MKs and members of the Jerusalem Municipal Council of Degel HaTorah with the opening of this school year of 5775.
From Our
by B. Reim
Three Accounts of Elul in a Bygone World
In a letter written to HaRav Yosef Chaim Sonnenfeld zt"l, HaRav Naftoli Yosef Silverberg zt"l told about his experiences in Slabodka over Rosh Hashonoh in the year 5664 (1903). "Elul in Slabodka" was a special concept that all alumni of that great yeshiva remembered. This letter was first published last year in the Hebrew edition of Yated, having been generally unknown until it was discovered erev Rosh Chodesh Elul, 5763, almost a hundred years after it had been written.
by HaRav Shlomo Wolbe, shlita
We are suffused with a great joy at the onset of the new Elul zman and at the opportunity of entering the new and splendid Beis Medrash, for which we have R' Kugler to thank.
by Rabbi Mordecai Plaut, based on a shiur of a rosh
yeshiva in Yerushalayim
As we read the seven haftorahs of comfort that lead up to
the Yomim Noraim, these insights into the true meaning of
true comfort should prove very valuable.
Part II
Part I discussed the fact that the seven haftorahs that we read from Tisha B'Av until Rosh Hashonoh show that consolation provides a crucial bridge that takes us from the Churban to the Tikkun that we have on Yom Kippur, equivalent to our receiving the Second Luchos on that day. However, we do not even understand what consolation is and how it could be possible. How can we console someone in the midst of a loss? Consolation does not mean distraction, so how is such a thing possible? It is certainly not enough to just read the haftorahs in public. We must assimilate within ourselves the consolation. There is a process to which we must join ourselves in order to pass from the Churban to the eventual Tikkun. In order to do this, as a first step we must learn what it is.
A Mission to
Spread Daas Torah
for the Best in Yiddishkeit
The Immorality
of Palestinian Combatants and Noncombatants