Boruch Hashem, we are past the bein hazmanim period, days
which are not so favorable since students are not learning
in yeshivos, but now they have resumed the regular sessions
which is the source of life for Klal Yisrael.
We have lately experienced wars in Eretz Yisrael but hope
that now things will be quiet in the merit of Torah and that
all the yeshivos will resume their schedules.
At the completion of a masechta we rejoice, but we find in
the gemara that commencement is also cause for simcha, as
with Avuya, father of Elisha, who held a simchah and invited
many people who spoke in Torah with such fervor that fire
broke out. "Have you come to burn my house?" he asked his
guests. In the end no good came of it. We don't know exactly
why, but we anyway see that beginning Torah study is also
reason for rejoicing just as is completion.
Tana Dvei Eliyahu says that Hashem is happy with His
portion. The Gaon was asked what this means. When a person
gains or profits, he is said to rejoice, but how can this
apply to Hashem? He said that in earlier times, there were
many great sages and saints, but their number has diminished
with the years, and yet Hashem is still happy with His lot.
So we see that the main thing is that people are engaged in
Torah study, and even if there are fewer tzaddikim, fewer
chassidim and few men of great deeds, still in all, Hashem
is truly happy with His lot.
While it can be said that in generations of the recent past,
there was a decline, but in this generation, there has been
a small ascent, and we hope that Hashem will help us to
steadily increase Torah study, the numbers of Torah students
and talmidei chachomim, as we can verily see in our times.
We also see the marvelous increase in Torah and it says
whoever teaches Torah to the sons of am ho'oretz is doing a
great thing.
We know that we must continually grow, and hope that in the
process, Hashem will help Klal Yisrael to hasten the real
Geulah. But so long as this has not yet materialized, every
one must continue to grow in Torah and yiras Shomayim,
especially during Elul which is a very propitious time for
advancement - "Ani leDodi veDodi li." May Hashem indeed
assist all the bochurim to rise in Torah and yiras Shomayim
and give much nachas to their teachers, parents and all of
us, and may we all similarly grow in Torah and yiras
Shomayim so that Hashem will be happy with us who are His
portion. And even though the generations have diminished,
may we gladden Him with His portion. We must strive as best
we can, constantly until Rosh Hashanah, and may Hashem bless
us with a good year and the genuine Geula, speedily and in
our days, Amen.