Thousands of Women to Attend Internet Awareness Rally this Motzei Shabbos
Tens of thousands of women and girls from all over Israel and various streams will
assemble this coming motzei Shabbos for a mass rally to be broadcast simultaneously
in dozens of locations throughout Israel. The organizers are encouraging attendance
at neighborhood centers rather than at a single location.
Humiliation of Yeshiva Students While Registering at Army Draft Office
Painful testimonies have already been reported in Yated Ne'eman of what is going on
at the Jerusalem Army Draft office and elsewhere. These include educational damage
incurred by the visit alone, as well as outright medical humiliation forced upon
yeshiva students, compounded by strong social pressure exerted on them to sign up for
full army duty.
Chanichei Hayeshivos Kehilla Founded in Har Yonah Housing Project of Natzeret Illit
A modest but impressive gathering took place in the home of Gaaved Chanichei
Hayeshivos, Bnei Brak, HaRav Mordechai Gross, with the participation of many renowned
poskim, celebrating the founding of Kehillas Chanichei Hayeshivos with the drinking
of a lechayim. This event also inaugurated several registration headquarters for the
marketing of apartments in Project Har Yonah on the heights of Natzeret Illit.
Venezuelan Jewish Community Concerned Over Anti-Semitic Attacks
Concern within the Jewish community of Venezuela of anti-Semitic repercussions is
mounting as a result of Israel's Operation Pillar of Cloud. Venezuelan security
forces have boosted their guard over the central synagogue in Caracas in the wake of
anti-Semitic demonstrations where cries of vengeance were voiced very stridently.
To Properly Pray For HaRav Shlomo Leib Brevda shlita
In Tishrei, 5772, HaRav Shlomo Brevda addressed the public gathered in Heichal Shmuel
of Kiryat Mattersdorf, mentioning that he remembered the impact of the prayers on
behalf of HaRav Yitzchok Zev of Brisk for continued long life to the point that
Brisker Rov noted it, himself. HaRav Brevda brought to the attention of his audience
the fact that the Brisker Rav passed away late on erev Yom Kippur, a time when
everyone was preoccupied with preparations for Yom Kippur, and had, apparently,
temporarily discontinued praying for him.
HaRav Eliezer Ashkenazi, zt"l, Author of Maasei Hashem
In honor of his yahrtzeit, 22 Kislev
Within the hallowed walls of the Pressburg "shiur shtub," the anticipation was
palpable. One mighty voice roared forth, teaching Torah, instilling middos and
ingraining life's true values. The Chumash shiur of the holy Chasam Sofer zt"l, was
not confined to imparting the knowledge of the posuk, Rashi and Ramban. In addition,
it was used as a tool for weaving in the all- important messages that he included in
the pshat.