Chanichei Hayeshivos Kehilla Founded in Har Yonah Housing Project of Natzeret Illit
By Y. Sheinfeld
A modest but impressive gathering took place in the home of Gaaved Chanichei
Hayeshivos, Bnei Brak, HaRav Mordechai Gross, with the participation of many renowned
poskim, celebrating the founding of Kehillas Chanichei Hayeshivos with the drinking
of a lechayim. This event also inaugurated several registration headquarters for the
marketing of apartments in Project Har Yonah on the heights of Natzeret Illit.
In a briefing provided to the gathering, the initiators highlighted the unique
features of this project, tailored specifically to the chareidi public, with strong
emphasis on the high quality of Bnei Torah who will be accepted as purchasers for
these very lost cost apartments. These, it was promised, will sell at the rock bottom
marketing price of 500,000 NIS. after a grant.
According to plans being officially registered these days for approval, the project
will eventually include 15,000 housing units, of which three thousand have already
received the green light for immediate construction, and work has already begun on
site, as can be verified. The initiators also noted that imminent negotiations with
two Chassidic communities will guarantee a massive registration of this sector.