Why There is No Place for Torah Scholars in the Israeli Melting Pot
Opinion by Yated Ne'eman
Tens of thousands of Torah scholars in most of the chareidi enclaves throughout the country participated this past Sunday in a massive event of the Siyum Maseches Eruvin and a memorial gathering commemorating the upcoming yahrtzeit of HaRav Yosef Shalom Eliashiv. Those who read the Monday edition of Yated Ne'eman saw the main headline commemorating this historic event, while other news events, which usually occupy that front page slot, were shunted aside.
Study Shemiras Halashon and Interpersonal Relations during the Three Weeks
In light of the clarion cry of our Torah leadership to reinforce ourselves in the vital mitzvos of bein Adam lechavero and the laws of guarding one's speech, study sessions have been established during this Three Week period for shemiras halashon and judging one's fellow man favorably, focusing on the practical halachic aspects of these subjects.
"The Worst Budget Ever"
"The annual budget presented by this current government is the worst I have ever encountered in the Knesset. I don't know what went on during the austerity period of the 50's, but even in 2003, when very harsh laws were imposed upon the public, they didn't come near to what is taking place now."
The Admor of Sovron HaRav Yissochor Dov Hagar zt"l
Deep mourning and sorrow descended upon the world of Torah and Chassidus with the bitter tidings of the passing of the Admor of Sovron, HaRav Yissochor Dov Hagar, Av Beis Din in Jerusalem, who passed away on Friday following much suffering and pain. He was buried close to sundown on Har Hazeisim..
The Admor of Kapishnitz — HaRav Avrohom Yehoshua Heschel zt"l
In honor of his yahrtzeit, 16 Tammuz (5727-1967)
A while after World War II, my father shlita, as an expert mohel, was in Vienna for a bris. There he met a Jew who had a folder filled with various documents, manuscripts and even handwritten kisvei kodosh, including one of the Chasam Sofer zt"l. The package had belonged to my grandfather R' Shlomo Stern zt"l , and was mislaid due to the confusion of the war.