Deep mourning and sorrow descended upon the world of Torah and Chassidus with the bitter tidings of the passing of the Admor of Sovron, HaRav Yissochor Dov Hagar, Av Beis Din in Jerusalem, who passed away on Friday following much suffering and pain. He was buried close to sundown on Har Hazeisim.
His passing marks a deep loss for Jerusalem of one of its great men who perfected himself in the three pillars of the world: Torah, avodoh, and chessed. He was the son of pure and holy ancestors, a person who devoted his entire life to toil in Torah, from which he drew his very vitality. Even as a young child, the gedolim of his time enjoyed engaging him in learning and said of him. "Kazeh re'ei vekadesh — Keep your eye on him!"
When he matured, he was already looked upon as a halachic authority for even the most complex issues. He was widely known for his keen mind, brilliance and encyclopedic knowledge. They said that the entire Torah was as familiar to him as if it were arranged in his box [the chambers of his mind].
The deceased was born in Jerusalem on the 4th of Nisan, 5699 (1939) to the Admor R' Yehuda Zundel, the son of HaRav Yitzchok Meir of Stanowitz, scion of R' HaRav Moshe Tzvi of Sovron, and to his mother, the daughter of HaRav Shmuel Aharon Weber, one of the gedolim of Jerusalem of his times.