A Letter from the Gedolim
At a time when darkness covers the earth and the enemies of Hashem rear their heads by way of decrees and persecution of chareidi Jewry and the Torah world, attempting to breach the walls of our faith and our sanctity through the threat of army service... .
State of Emergency Felt in All Yeshivo
The following is a sample of the comments from gedolim about our situation.
Diaspora Jewry Responds to the Threat to the Torah World
HaRav Malkiel Kotler, Rosh Yeshivas Lakewood, addressed the students of the yeshiva, telling them that at such a trying time when Torah scholars in Eretz Yisroel are being threatened by harsh decrees to a degree not even experienced abroad at the hands of the gentiles...
Bnei Brak the Tenth Largest City in Israel
According to the information of the Central Population Registry of the Interior Ministry, Bnei Brak has 178,787 residents, bli ayin hora. Seven months ago, at the start of 5773, it had 176,556 residents.
Siyum of Eruvin on 15th of Tammuz in Binyanei Ha'Uma
Well known organizations for the enhancement of Torah study, namely Dirshu and Todaah, have decided to stage a massive gathering in anticipation of the completion of Maseches Eruvin according to the Daf Hayomi schedule.
HaRav Boruch Shimon Schneersohn, Rosh Yeshiva of Tchebin
In honor of his yahrtzeit, 25 Sivan 5761/2001
The chinuch in Reb Boruch Shimon's parents' home was based on firm principles.
His mother, despite her intense love for her outstanding son, made sure never to kiss him when he was awake so that he would not become fussy and spoiled. Only at night when he was sound asleep would she allow her love to be expressed through a kiss on his forehead.