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Agudas Yisroel's 13th Yarchei Kallah in Jerusalem
For this week they are bnei yeshiva,fully engrossed in the sugya dekallah. Sounds like a dream? Well, it's a reality for a few hundred committed professionals, mostly from America and Canada, some from Europe and Eretz Yisroel, who've come together at the Ramada Hotel in Yerushalayim to turn its central ballroom into a beis medrash lechol davar. This is now the 13th year that Agudas Yisroel of America's Torah Projects Commission is arranging this Yarchei Kallah.
As election day draws near (the 19th Knesset is scheduled to be elected Tuesday 11 Shvat/January 22) events have been held all over the country in chareidi community to try to impress upon people the importance of the upcoming election. On Tuesday a {Kol Korei> } was issued signed by 28 rabbonim, roshei yeshiva and admorim. Also a short expression of support was published that was signed by {56 roshei yeshiva> }, and a long letter of support was released by HaRav Mordechai Gross. In addition, boxes appear daily announcing that various chassidic admorim expressed their support for United Torah Judaism.
The Halachic Psak Issued by HaRav Nissim Karelitz: It is an Absolute Obligation to Vote
I remember what took place by the Chazon Ish; each time the question arose regarding elections, he made a special effort to explain the importance of the matter, for one single vote can sometimes swing the results either one way or the other. It is an absolute obligation to participate in the elections and a mitzvah to vote for candidates who will lead the battle and, with the help of Hashem, win. May it be His will that we rid ourselves of all these troubles by exerting ourselves to the utmost in seeing that everyone vote.
Impressive Showing at Chinuch Gathering in Modi'in Illit
Positive repercussions were registered in the wake of the impressive central gathering of hundreds of bnei yeshiva parents organized by Ichud Bnei Yeshivos on motzei Shabbos Parshas Vayechi. The gathering took place in the Shaarei Malchus auditorium by the request of the rabbonim of Brachfeld, who have supported the organization since its inception, in the light of the blessed growth of the bnei yeshiva population and the need for guidance for the teenage sector of boys and their age-related problems. The audience listened avidly, eager to hear the various ways of relating and coping with the chinuch of this difficult age bracket.
As of January 16 (5 Shvat) 387 millimeters of rain had fallen in the Jerusalem area during the current season (August 1 to date). This represents 165% of the average rainfall for this period and 72% of the average rainfall for the entire season in the Jerusalem area which is 537 mm.
HaRav Shlomoh Leib Brevda zt"l
Thousands mourned the passing of HaRav Sholom Brevda zt"l all over the world. HaRav Brevda passed away on Tuesday night, 27 Teves.
A deep mourning descended upon the world of Torah and Halacha with the passing of HaRav Yaakov Yeshaya Blau, rav of the Pagi-Sanhedria neighborhood in Jerusalem and one of the giants of Torah and Halacha, author of many seforim, including a series bearing the title "Pischei Choshen." He was also a member of the Beis Din of the Eida Chareidis. He died at the age of 83 and the loss will be deeply felt by large segments of Jewry who seek Torah and Halacha, and by his disciples and admirers.
From faraway Yemen, a young boy made the arduous journey to his dream - Yerushalayim Ir Hakodesh. Upon entering the Old City, his soul was drawn to the famed yeshiva Beth-E-l, the renowned academy where the greatest kabbalists studied the esoteric secrets of the Torah.
From Our
Part II
In the first part, HaRav Shapira quoted the Chidushei HaRim and others who say that the essence of Tu Bishvat is chidushei Torah. They also note that the trees grow on Tu Bishvat based on the rain that falls earlier. The Maharal says that the cycle of crops that is referred to in the Regolim of the year parallels the cycle of man's development, from the beginning at Pesach to the final ingathering on Succos. Why this parallel? Because Hashem wants to tell us that all the material world has a spiritual parallel; when we are showered with rain down here, there is a corresponding spiritual blessing being showered upon us Above. That also underlies the entire expression of the Torah which is written referring to material blessings but alluding to the parallel spiritual blessings.
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