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Pronounced Spiritual Interest in French Jewry During the Visit of the Rosh Yeshiva
Tremendous excitement is being generated among French Jewry through the historic, impressive chizuk visit which took place this past Sunday 15 Elul by the Rosh Yeshiva, HaRav Aharon Leib Shteinman, who, despite his advanced age, came in person to brace the Jewish community in this country and reestablish the foundations of religion and education in their purest form so as to prevent the loss of precious souls in the frightening wasteland of the Diaspora.
Huge numbers of English residents participated this past Monday in a major chizuk rally headed by gedolei Torah and rabbonim in anticipation of the Yomim Noraim as a show of force in the ongoing battle against the ills of Internet which is striking at Jewish souls and wreaking spiritual havoc in our camp. The massive rally taking place in England was the springboard for a chain of such gatherings scheduled to take place in Jewish centers throughout Europe to fight, tooth and nail, against the use of Internet which is claiming so many Jewish souls, a war declared by gedolei Yisroel.
With the conclusion of the first month since the beginning of the new Daf Hayomi study cycle, the impressive response of the Dirshu celebrations throughout the world are fully evident, as over ten thousand participants of this program will be taking their first test this coming Friday, Erev Parshas Ki Sovo, on the first thirty pages in Maseches Brochos. This represents a huge number of Torah students who have joined the ranks to acquire a more solid grounding in the treasures of the Oral Torah.
About one thousand new students have been absorbed in the Shuvu educational network of 52 schools spread throughout the country, working in conjunction with Chinuch Atzmai. 700 of these have just entered the first grade. These, like their forerunners, are children of Russian extraction, who will also enjoy an extended school day and a full spectrum of secular studies at a high scholastic level, alongside Jewish studies.
A very moving event this past Monday launched the new "VeHeishiv" fund, established by HaRav Chaim Kanievsky. Its purpose is to help the public of yirei shomayim absolve itself individually of the terrible sin of stealing, incurred through unpaid and forgotten debts.
Pershischa. Not a chassidus, but a brand name. The small town of Pershischa was a factory of sorts where sincere Yidden with raw but lofty ideals developed into holy individuals. Men of madreigoh who wished to forget completely their earthly needs and surroundings, to rise and fly above all that is mundane and remain in an atmosphere that is spiritual only - those were the men who came to Pershischa.