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A Letter from Maran the Rosh Yeshiva, HaRav A. Y. L. Shteinman shlita
It is known to all that the world exists only in the merit of Torah and its scholars, and that it is a sacred obligation to enable those who study Torah to continue doing so. Nor is it conceivable to concede in the case of any yeshiva student. We cannot compromise on this in any way.
The UTJ party vehemently protests the words of the Prime Minister regarding the disbanding of the Plesner committee which resolved that if no solution is forthcoming, the law providing deferment of yeshiva students will terminate as of August 1, and those who do not report for army duty will be considered draft evaders.
In anticipation of the end of the school year, the first of a series of meetings which will be organized nationwide already took place involving the principals of talmudei Torah, alerting them to stand on guard against the harm caused by technological advances and the danger of Internet - in response to a directive from our gedolei Yisroel.
Excitement grips the public regarding the central event of the World Siyum HaShas scheduled to take place on the 12th of Av, in the `palace of the King', Jerusalem, in a suitably large area, attended by the leaders of Torah and Chassidus.
Thousands of residents from Bnei Brak and Jerusalem, headed prominently by roshei yeshiva, Admorim, rabbonim and noted Torah figures, escorted the Admor of Nadvorna-Hadera this past Friday, Parshas Chukas, 9 Tammuz, to his eternal rest. HaRav Asher Yeshaya Rosenbaum returned his soul to his Maker in the U.S., and his remains were flown here on Friday afternoon and buried in the precinct of the Beis Nadvorna dynasty on Har Hazeisim, Jerusalem.
A unique and fascinating book was very recently released, documenting the rabbis of Romania who served the orthodox communities in that country. Three volumes portray the Romanian rabbonim and outstanding Torah scholars, their activities and works, focusing a spotlight on the impressive past of Romanian Jewry heretofore unrecognized and the Torah writings which enhance the Mizrach wall of our people.
Rabbeinu Pinchos Halevi was the son of Rabbi Zvi, rov of Tchortkov.
When he was a young child, his mother would claim that she had two sons, Pinchos and Shmelke (later Rabbi Shmelke of Nicholsburg), who never washed netilas yodayim in the morning and never said Krias Shema al Hamitoh, alluding to the fact that they both learned all through the nights as well as the days, never lying down in bed to sleep.
From Our Archives
The man we interviewed visited more than twenty-five countries in nine years as a well-known kashrus mashgiach who is an expert on kosher raw materials from chutz la'aretz. Besides problems of language, kosher food for himself during trips, and unpleasant loneliness, hashgacha abroad requires much intuitive wisdom. There are places where one can't believe what the locals say. There are other places that the size of the factory poses a tremendous challenge.
HaGaon R' Elchonon Bunim Wassermann zt'l Hy'd used to leave Baranowitz each year at the beginning of Elul to be in the proximity of the Chofetz Chaim, where he remained until after Simchas Torah. After the death of the Chofetz Chaim, from the beginning of 5694 (1933), he began visiting Kelm during that period, and continued to do so until his death.
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Immorality of Palestinian Combatants and Noncombatants