Yeshiva Ketanoh Budget to Continue Despite High Court
High Court judges lodged harsh criticism against the
Education Ministry and the Knesset following the Yeshiva
Ketanoh Law, which will allow the yeshivos ketanos to
continue to receive funding without their teaching the Core
Curriculum requirements.
Remote Diaspora communities are creating a tremendous demand
for mikvo'os in their respective communities. Recently
there has been a large rise in the number of requests by
Jewish communities around the world, notes Rav Gedaliah
Olstein, who heads the Congress of European Rabbis' (CER)
mikveh department.
A special Keren Shevi'is board meeting held this week in
Jerusalem centered on obstacles being laid by Agriculture
Ministry officials to prevent financial support from reaching
shomrei Shevi'is farmers, and countermeasures to
increase the number of recipients.
Acheinu's Toronto Project, which prepares eighth-grade
students for yeshiva, recently completed its efforts to help
four hundred students from Torah-based schools around the
country enter the yeshiva world starting in Elul
Like every year, Degel HaTorah's Center for Public Service in
Jerusalem arranges special consulting hours for residents of
various neighborhoods to help them file requests for
discounts on municipal taxes. This year additional locations
will be available for the public's convenience.
A large crowd turned out for the levaya of HaRav
Avrohom Golombeck zt"l, who served as the
mashgiach of Yeshivas Philadelphia for over 50 years.
HaRav Golombeck, who learned under the Mashgiach HaRav
Yechezkel Levenstein, was sent by HaRav Aharon Kotler to fill
the post of mashgiach at Yeshivas Philadelphia,...
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