Acheinu's Toronto Project, which prepares eighth-grade
students for yeshiva, recently completed its efforts to help
four hundred students from Torah-based schools around the
country enter the yeshiva world starting in Elul
The decade-old project posted an unprecedented success this
year with some 40 schools taking part. Dozens of
avreichim work at schools around the country to
encourage as many students as possible at Chinuch Atzmai and
other Torah-based schools to continue their studies at the
holy yeshivas. These avreichim show resolve and
persistence, investing extensive efforts in the eighth-
graders, maintaining contact with both students and parents
throughout the year, and the results are far exceeding
The avreichim make home visits to help persuade
parents, assist students in preparing for the entrance exams
and offer close guidance and support, including accompanying
the student upon entering yeshiva and during his initial
months there.
Acheinu Chairman HaRav Yerachmiel Kram says, "The greatest
threat to the boys is the [summer] break. The goal of the
Summer Break Campaign is to overcome the difficulties the
break causes the young men and help them maintain the
enthusiasm the activists infused in them throughout the
After the student enters the respective yeshivas the
avreich working with him comes to his neighborhood to
learn with him or brings him to chareidi areas to learn. One
of the highlights of the project is a weekly gathering that
features intriguing activities to keep the young men
In addition to the Toronto Project, Acheinu is conducting
ongoing efforts to register students at yeshivos
ketanos, working to persuade parents and students who
still face uncertainties regarding where to enroll next