UTJ Representative in Herzliya Enters City Council
By A. Cohen
UTJ's representative in Herzliya, Rabbi Moshe Gershi, has
taken a seat on the city council based on a rotation
agreement with the NRP, thereby completing a series of
rotations at various local councils.
During the past few weeks several rotation agreements have
been carried out. In Afula Degel HaTorah's Rabbi Menachem
Gold finally assumed his post. In Tiberius Rabbi David Ochana
is slated to become a council member. In Rechovot Rabbi Aryeh
Stauber entered the city council and in Beitar Illit Degel
HaTorah representative Rabbi Shimon Leff took his seat on the
city council.
By taking a seat on the Herzliya City Council Rabbi Gershi
became the last of several Degel HaTorah and UTJ councilmen
to take over posts at various local authorities around the
country for the benefit of the Torah-observant public in
their respective cities.