Bringing Bais Yaakov Teachers' Studies Under Rabbinical
None of the rabbonim or askonim has a good explanation
for why things in the higher levels of Bais Yaakov were left
as they were for so long. But from now on things will
definitely be different, be"H.
The Persistent Battle for Proper Chinuch and Tznius
by HaRav Binyomin Scharansky
Some people live with the illusion that things in life can,
by nature, run of themselves. Such feelings are actually
educational sleeping pills, and those addicted to them are,
choliloh, liable to wake up one day and find
themselves headed for disaster. Through their indifference
they have lost the chance to halt their children's
Antisemitism — Everlasting Hatred of the Eternal
People Eisov Hates Yaakov — It Is a Halochoh
by Yated Ne'eman Staff
"And behold, he is coming towards us" (Bereishis
The days of Jew-hatred upon this world parallel the number of
days of Jewish existence. Wherever there have been Jews
— there, also, has antisemitism existed, at all times
and in all places. It is an irrational, inexplicable
animosity and antipathy.
Understanding the Alef Beis
by Dovid Leitner
Part 3
In the previous articles we have explained the importance of
the ascending and descending order of the Alef Beis, and the
significance of the At Bash alphabetic structure.
Anger of the Atheists
by Rabbi Avi Shafran
Responses to an essay say much to a writer. Sometimes they
reveal flaws in the essayist's original assumptions or
reasoning, provide a different perspective, or are otherwise
enlightening. Other times they reveal something more about
the responders.
Politica: The Esrog Speech
By E. Rauchberger
The media ate up Ehud Olmert's speech at Kibbutz Sdeh Boker,
referring to it as "the reconciliation speech." Hope has
returned, others gushed. Only the Palestinians were less than
enthralled over the speech. They continued their age-old ways
and the Kassam rockets continued to fall, though fewer and
farther in between.
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