Rabbi Shimon Leff, son of Yated contributor HaRav Zev
Leff from Moshav Matityahu, will replace Rabbi Yosef Shitri
in Beitar's city council. This new appointment has already
been approved by the Ministry of Interior.
A few months ago, Rabbi Yosef Shitri was appointed to work as
the Manager of the Beitar Municipality. His elected position
on the city council was vacant for the last few months and a
new candidate was sought by Degel Hatorah. A month ago the
Degel Hatorah branch of Beitar chose Rabbi Shimon Leff, a
dedicated public worker. He is well known in the Hagefen
neighborhood for his active role in public affairs, extensive
knowledge in the area of education and his beis medrash,
Tov Daas.
Since he was not on the lists at the last elections, a
special request was made to the Ministry of Interior to fill
this vacated position. Ruth Joseph, who is in charge of the
District Region, approved the appointment of this candidate
for a city council position as a representative of Tzedek.
The City Council will meet with their new Chief Advisor for
Beitar's committee on the allocation of funding for kollelim,
Yeshivos and libraries.
Mayor Rabbi Yitzchok Pindrus welcomed the new member, Rabbi
Shimon Leff, to the City Council and wished him success in
his new job. The Mayor praised Rabbi Shimon Leff for his good
work in Beitar B and hoped that this will be an indication of
his willingness and sincerity to go beyond the call of duty
for the community. He is certain that he will do great things
for Beitar's residents, learning institutions, educational
system and chesed as their representative on the city