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Cabinet Approves New Chareidi Town in South
At this week's cabinet meeting the government approved the
formation of a new chareidi town in the Negev as part of the
Gvuros HaNegev project, founded by the rosh yeshiva of
Yeshivas HaNegev, HaRav Yissochor Meir, to make the desert of
Southern Israel bloom spiritually.
Maran HaRav Yosef Sholom Eliashiv shlita and the Admor
of Gur shlita held a meeting at Maran's home in
Jerusalem during chol hamoed Pesach.
Thousands of bnei Torah attended the annual Lev
L'Achim conference, billed as the "Tenth Anniversary
Conference," which focused on enrolling secular children at
chareidi schools.
Thousands of bnei Torah headed by gedolei Yisroel
shlita gathered at Wagshal Halls in Bnei Brak on Tuesday
night for the annual Uchesavtom gathering to encourage the
writing of chidushei Torah.
The 43rd Yom Iyun for chassanim and avreichim
was held in Bnei Brak on Monday.
A his'orerus gathering was held for yeshiva and
kollel students on Erev Rosh Chodesh Nisan in
Jerusalem's Ramat Polin neighborhood to give chizuk
for the summer zman and in memory of yeshiva student
Yaakov Yisroel Citron z"l, who lost his life
tragically just two days after Pesach ended.
Yahrtzeit of HaRav Moshe Halberstam zt"l To mark the first yahrtzeit of HaRav Moshe Halberstam
zt"l, a member of the Eida Chareidis beis din,
a gathering was held on Sunday 27 Nisan at the Aperion Hall
in Jerusalem.
Mourning descended on the Torah world in Eretz Yisroel and
abroad following the histalkus on Erev Pesach of HaRav
Yosef Tzvi Halevi Dunner zt"l, ravad of the
Union of Chareidi Communities of England and the rov of Adas
Yisroel of London, who returned his soul to his Maker around
midnight on the night of Bedikas Chometz at the age of
A Mission to Spread Daas Torah
Looking for the Best in Yiddishkeit
The Immorality of Palestinian Combatants and Noncombatants
On Sunday night, the eve of 14 Nisan (Apr. 1) is the search
for chometz - bedikas chometz, and the chometz is
burnt the next morning, Erev Pesach, Monday, 14 Nisan (Apr.
2) until the end of the zman sreifas chometz. On Erev
Pesach the firstborn fast—Ta'anis Bechoros.
Yov Tov Pesach falls on Tuesday, 15 Nisan (Apr. 3), in Eretz
Yisroel, and on Tuesday and Wednesday (Apr. 3-4) in Chutz
Le'aretz. The days until Shevi'i Shel Pesach are
Chol HaMo'ed.
From Mussaf of Yom Tov Pesach in Eretz Yisroel we
recite morid hatal in Shemoneh Esreih instead
of vesen tal u-motor livrocho.
From Tuesday night, Motzei Yom Tov Rishon Shel Pesach,
we count sefiras ha'omer until Shavuos.
The seforim hakedoshim write to partake in a meal on
the sixteenth of Nisan to remember the se'udas Esther
that she made when Homon was hung (Mishnah Berurah,
490:2 from the Mogen Avrohom).
Shevi'i Shel Pesach falls on Monday, 21 Nisan (April
9) and in Chutz Le'aretz on Tuesday, 22 Nisan (April
10) is Yom Tov Sheini Shel Goliyos - Shmini Shel
Many are accustomed to read Pirkei Ovos after
Minchah of Shabbos from Pesach until Rosh
Our minhag is not to pray Yom Kippur Koton and
surely not to fast during the month of Nisan.
Rosh Chodesh Iyar falls on Wednesday, Apr. 18 and
Thursday, Apr. 19.
On Shabbos parshas Tazriya-Metzora a mi
sheberach for those fasting Behab is said.