Dei'ah veDibur - Information & Insight

A Window into the Charedi World

7 Sivan 5767 - May 24, 2007 | Mordecai Plaut, director Published Weekly










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Shema Yisrael Torah Network


Mishmar HaTorah Beis Din Set Up to Safeguard Kedushas Yisroel and Tsnius
By Betzalel Kahn

Under the guidance and encouragement of maranan verabonon gedolei Yisroel including Maran HaRav Eliashiv shlita, the Mishmar HaTorah Beis Din was set up to deliberate and to issue clear instructions regarding modest appearance for women.

Chareidi Families Evacuated from Sderot Encounter Disastrous Ruchniyus Conditions
By Betzalel Kahn

The government is making every possible blunder in evacuating Sderot residents. Only in response to businessman Arcadi Gaydamak's program to pay for hotel stays did the government make a move, evacuating hundreds of residents to army-run facilities in the Central Region. Meanwhile the city's chareidi population is being neglected and severely harmed by the evacuations.

Sos Tossis Shidduchim
By Yechiel Sever

Making matches is "as hard as the Splitting of the Red Sea," says the gemora. If that's the case with a regular shidduch all the more so in the case of physical limitations. The painful cries of both the parents and their children, even in the case of very slight problems, led to the setup of Sos Tossis.

85th Annual American Aguda Dinner in New York
By G. Lazer

Over 1,300 people took part in the annual Agudas Yisroel of America Dinner at the Hilton Hotel in New York.

The participants were welcomed by R' Shlomo Werdiger, who asked them to become ambassadors for Agudas Yisroel and "spread the word," saying, "Not a day passes without Agudas Yisroel of America being called upon to provide advice, assistance and advocacy for individuals, groups and institutions," he said.

Jewish Agency Refuses to Continue Paying for Burg's Chauffeur
By G. Lazer

Former Jewish Agency Chairman Avram Burg was denied a request to require the Jewish Agency to continue paying NIS 22,000 ($5,500) a month to cover the costs of a private driver.

HaRav Nosson Tzvi Finkel: Fridays and Shabbos are Times for Shteigen
By Betzalel Kahn

Following a call by gedolei Yisroel to strengthen Torah study on Fridays and Shabbos and the announcement of a new program for bnei yeshivos, dozens of yeshivas expressed an interest in having their students participate in the unique program.

Christian Vandals Break into Haifa School
By Yechiel Sever

Haifa residents were shocked by a disturbing break-in by unidentified vandals at a school in the city.

Banks Discover Chareidi Sector
By R. Gil

The banks have discovered the chareidi sector, setting off a chain reaction of competition typical of the industry. The chareidi customer is no longer a sure thing for any of the banks and the way to his heart involves numerous image, marketing and advertising campaigns aimed at meeting the chareidi bank customer's special needs.

Mishmeres HaSholom Expands Study of Shmiras Haloshon
By Yechiel Sever

The issue of shmiras haloshon has a warm spot in the heart of every Jew. Awareness of the issue has been heightened dramatically in the past generation. Mishmeres HaSholom translates this knowledge into action:

HaRav Pinchos Saposh zt"l
By Betzalel Kahn

Hundreds of students and acquaintances from Telzstone took part in the levaya for HaRav Pinchos Saposh zt"l, who passed away at the age of 51.

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