Dei'ah veDibur - Information & Insight

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7 Sivan 5767 - May 24, 2007 | Mordecai Plaut, director Published Weekly










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Mishmar HaTorah Beis Din Set Up to Safeguard Kedushas Yisroel and Tsnius

By Betzalel Kahn

Under the guidance and encouragement of maranan verabonon gedolei Yisroel including Maran HaRav Eliashiv shlita, the Mishmar HaTorah Beis Din was set up to deliberate and to issue clear instructions regarding modest appearance for women.

The idea was backed by HaRav Eliashiv, HaRav Shmuel Halevi Wosner and HaRav Nissim Karelitz, who appointed to the special beis din HaRav Ezriel Auerbach, HaRav Moshe Shaul Klein, HaRav Yehuda Silman, HaRav Yisroel Gans, HaRav Naftoli Nussbaum, HaRav Boruch Shraga and HaRav Yitzchak Darzi.

The rabbonim were named to the beis din at a gathering held at the home of Maran HaRav Eliashiv. According to a krias kodesh signed by Maran, "Benos Yisroel kesheiros vetzenuos yearn to hear dvar Hashem — zu halochoh in order to know how to conduct themselves, what attire the Torah permits and proper conduct in other matters of Torah and modesty.

"Although many of them are uninformed or inattentive [regarding these matters], they are dressed in a manner not in keeping with the ways of modesty according to halochoh. This issue is of the utmost importance to [Am Yisroel] and the future of kedushas Yisroel depends on upholding the modesty guidelines. As such it has been decided to set up the Mishmar HaTorah Beis Din, comprised of well-known rabbonim, dayonim and moreh horo'oh who will issue clear instructions on how to keep the demands of Torah and yir'oh, particularly in matters related to women's modesty, and to set the proper conduct for issues on the agenda."

The beis din has already issued a letter noting the importance of not following the ways of the non-Jews in terms of clothing and hairstyles, which is brought down in halochoh, in order to remain distinct from them in terms of clothing and conduct, and to wear clothes that meet modesty standards and accord with the guidelines. The letter also says that girls' schools and seminaries have an even stronger obligation to stand firm against breaches by the staff, the students and the students' mothers, both at school and away from school, including at family celebrations.

"We are certain," write gedolei Yisroel, "that acheinu bnei Yisroel hayerei'im ledevar Hashem will pledge to safeguard kedushas Yisroel and be cautious and exacting in all of the halochos and guidelines in accordance with the instructions issued by the beis din tzedek. And in the merit of kedushas Yisroel, may we merit the Divine Presence in Yisroel and the arrival of Goel Tzedek, omen."

The members of the beis din visited the homes of HaRav Aharon Yehuda Leib Shteinman and HaRav Shmuel Halevi Wosner shlita to receive their blessings.


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