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The 100 or so American yeshiva students who went to study in
European yeshivas in the 1930s will be remembered as the
early pioneers of the religious Jewish community in America.
These men bucked the trends of the time, gave up lucrative
professions and secular degrees, and dedicated themselves to
rebuilding Jewry spiritually. Most returned to American soil
after years of study and threw their efforts into building
enclaves of Orthodox Jewry. Their combined efforts have
resulted in the large religious community in America of
today. With each passing year, we are losing more of these
unique individuals to whom American Jewry owes so much.
At his passing on 12 Marcheshvan last year (5766), Rav Simcha
Weissman was one such diamond plucked from us.
Early Years
Rav Simcha was born on 21 Shvat, 1917, on the Lower East Side
of Manhattan to staunchly religious parents who remained
faithful to Torah even in the alluring and ravaging
environment of early-twentieth-century America.
His father — who came from the Galician town of
Shinova, and whose father's sandek was Rav Yechezkel
Shinover, the son of the Divrei Chaim — had arrived at
the age of 18 in New York in 1898. He succeeded in raising
all his children to be observant Jews, an exceptional feat in
those days.
Rav Simcha's parents who sought the best religious
environment for their children moved to Williamburg when
Yeshivas Torah Vodaas opened. They succeeded in raising their
children to be observant Jews, an exceptional feat in those
days. Rav Simcha and his brothers were among the first
students sent to Torah Vodaas to gain ahavas Torah,
unshakable emunoh and a proper Torah outlook.
Simcha later became one of the first talmidim of HaRav
Dovid Leibowitz when he opened his Yeshivas Chofetz Chaim in
Encouraged by his family and imbued with strong spiritual
leanings, the young Simcha was not content with the level of
Torah studies in the U.S., but longed for more. When he
expressed the desire to his mashgiach — HaRav
Chaim Pinchos Scheinberg — to study in a European
yeshiva, Rav Scheinberg urged him to leave immediately. They
rushed to the local passport office and banged on the already-
closed door. The clerk open the door for them and issued the
passport on the spot.
A week later, the young Simcha was already on a boat to
Europe, accompanied by the blessings of his family. After an
arduous trip by ship and then traveling across France,
Germany and Poland, he arrived in the Mirrer Yeshiva on Tzom
Gedaliah, 1935.
Mirrer Yeshiva in Europe
He always recalled the four years which he spent in the
Mirrer yeshiva as the years "which shaped his life". The
young Amerikaner, who was known as a serious student
even in his American yeshiva, blossomed in Torah and yiras
Until the end of his life, Rav Simcha considered himself a
Mirrer talmid whose goals and daily life were spent
living up to the exalted examples of his Mirrer rebbeim.
Despite having known the mashgiach HaRav Yeruchom
Levovitz and attending his sichos for only half-a-
year, he considered him one of his main mentors.
The outbreak of World War II altered Rav Simcha's plans
drastically. While the body of the yeshiva fled to Shanghai,
Rav Simcha, due to his American citizenship, was able to
cross into Denmark and procure a seat on one of the last
ships to leave Europe for the U.S.
The passengers were in dread through the entire trip, which
lasted from Erev Yom Kippur through Succos. Not only did they
suffer from tempestuous storms and seasickness, but they knew
that German U-boats were circulating in the open seas and
might at any moment torpedo them to a watery grave. The crew
hoisted a large American flag, hoping this would persuade the
Germans to leave them alone. When the ship finally reached
safe shore in New York, all the Jewish travelers benched
During the harrowing trip, Rav Simcha and the few other
bochurim who were with him were occupied with thoughts
of how to fulfill the mitzvos of Succos on the boat. They had
a dried-out set of Arba Minim from the year before,
which they used without reciting a brochoh. For a
succah, they took an empty water tank, took off the
lid, covered it with wooden slats and climbed inside with a
ladder to eat their simple meals.
Rav Simcha, always a handy person, served as the "cook" of
the small religious group aboard. In Copenhagen he had bought
several dishes and pans and toveled them in the lake
that flowed through the Danish king's palace. He cooked
simple meals using basic foodstuffs provided for him by the
kitchen staff of the ship.
In Kolel
In the U.S., Rav Simcha took a number of positions in
chinuch. In 1941 he taught in the afternoon talmud
Torah in McKeesport, near Pittsburgh. During the year-and-
a-half that he was there, he influenced a number of his
students to continue their yeshiva education in New York.
Afterwards, he taught in Elizabeth, New Jersey, in the Jewish
school just opened by HaRav Pinchos Teitz.
He married his eishes chayil, Rebbetzin Esther Blima
(Cohen), tibadel lechaim tovim aruchim, also from
Williamsburg, in June 1942. The couple moved to Lakewood, New
Jersey to join the new kolel just being organized by
HaRav Aaron Kotler, who had reached America shores shortly
before. In addition to learning in the kolel, Rav
Simcha helped Rav Aaron in the administration. Rav Simcha
remained in contact with Rav Aaron until his passing in 1962,
and frequently consulted with him.
The Brighton Beach Rabbinate
In 1944, Rav Simcha became the rov of the Young Israel of
Brighton Beach at the suggestion of HaRav Aaron Kotler. The
shul members were looking for a young English-speaking rabbi
who could attract the younger generation and encourage their
fidelity to Judaism.
Rav Simcha's success and his community's love for him can be
seen in the fact that he retained this position for the
following 41 years until his retirement in 1985.
Rav Simcha belongs to that genre of rabbonim who were not
known well outside their community and its environs, but who
turned over the worlds of those in their direct sphere of
Young Israel of Brighton Beach was a typical Jewish community
of the 1940s. The members were mostly well-meaning
baalebatim. As was the case with nearly everyone in
the religious community in those days, they were far from a
true Torah perspective. In all of Brighton Beach, the
residents were 90 percent Jewish but only a small percentage
was observant. Rav Simcha felt a responsibility every minute
of the day to be a faithful representative of the Torah. He
told his children constantly that the measure of anything for
them was always, "How will Hashem look at this? Will this
make a kiddush Hashem?"
The young rabbinical student from the Mir was not fazed by
this challenge. Rav Simcha won the hearts and finally the
minds of his congregants through a combination of caring,
dedication and simchah in his personal demeanor while
uncompromisingly explaining religious views and
Jewish Education Foremost
His main thrust was Jewish education, and teaching classes to
both young and old. In the 1940s and 1950s, when many of his
congregants' children were still attending public school, he
taught afternoon classes at a high school level so they would
retain their connection to Judaism into adulthood. He
targeted youths from all over the neighborhood and not just
his congregants' children.
He was willing to teach a congregant anything, no matter how
simple. The main thing was that they learn Torah.
Throughout his life, Rav Simcha put his major efforts into
adult and youth education. Due to his efforts and persuasion,
young men went to yeshiva and girls to Bais Yaakov and
seminary. Families' commitment to Judaism were strengthened,
and many strong links were added to the illustrious chain
going back to Sinai. Rav Simcha was a rebbi in the
Yeshiva of Brighton Beach for thirty years.
One of these students was Rav Aaron Zuckerman, today the rov
of Agudas Israel of Avenue H, whose father was among the
first baalei batim in Rav Simcha's shul in Brighton
Beach. But there were hundreds more like him.
In addition to his educational work, Rav Simcha was also a
voluntary social worker par excellence. Anyone who was
sick got a bikur cholim call from him. Not only was he
present at the simchas of his own congregants, but
also of everyone who lived in the wider community. People
sought his listening ear and counsel twenty-four hours,
around the clock. There was no such thing as "There is no
time now," or, "We'll set you up an appointment."
Rav Simcha's closeness to his community was legendary, both
for big and small issues. When a shul member's succah
collapsed one year before Succos, despite the
inconvenience of the hour, Rav Simcha enlisted a number of
people to make immediate repairs so the family could enjoy
their succah like everyone else.
Rav Simcha carried a tool set in his car and used it many
times to help a person in an emergency. His assistance was
extended to everyone, including his non-Jewish neighbors with
whom he had friendly relations.
His community viewed Rav Simcha's own family — and his
11 children — as an exemplary model of what a Jewish
home is supposed to be.
The Building of the Brighton Beach
A number of the unique initiatives that Rav Simcha developed
were the result of his efforts to upgrade the observance of
his shul members. One of the first of these initiatives was
the building of a mikveh in Brighton Beach so members
would not need to travel a distance to use other mikvehs.
Today a mikveh is taken for granted, but in those
early years, people looked askance at it, and local
authorities were unsympathetic.
It seemed an impossible mission. Since so few appreciated the
vital necessity of a mikveh, few were willing to
donate to the cause. The initial money to buy the mikveh
property came from the money gifts which one of his sons
had just received for his bar mitzvah.
But the down payment was not the biggest hurdle. Brighton
Beach was a middle-class neighborhood with strict zoning
laws. The city placed hurdle after hurdle in Rav Simcha's
way. Liens were placed on the property, complicated city
codes had to be satisfied, and construction problems had to
be overcome. It took years until finally, after much toil,
the beautiful state-of-the-art mikveh was finally
completed in 1974. It was used by communities all around. The
mikveh is still in existence to this day, despite
ongoing financial difficulties. It was built with all
halachic hiddurim under the guidance of HaRav Moshe
Feinstein and other leading gedolim.
The extensive experience in mikveh construction which
he had gained in the process helped him jump into a similar
project years later — halfway across the world in
Manila, the capital city of the Philippines. Here too Rav
Simcha spent time and energy to ensure that a beautiful
mikveh was built in this place which was far from the
main Jewish communities. It was a point of nachas for
him when he heard close to the end of his life that this
mikveh was still functioning. He also provided counsel
when the mikveh in Liberty, New York was being
In addition to his rabbonus activities, Rav Weissman was
involved in a number of initiatives affecting the wider
community. Wherever he saw an opening to help Jews or promote
Judaism, he jumped into action.
Such involvement started right at the beginning of his
rabbonus. He organized the young people in his congregation
to collect money for the Vaad Hatzala to send to European
Jews. When the Mirrer yeshiva arrived from Shanghai right
after the war, he found the old military building in Rockaway
that served as their first quarters.
The First Religious Weekly after World War
Perhaps the most daring, trail-blazing initiative which he
carried out was the founding of the first chareidi weekly
during the early 1950s. This newspaper, which he published
for eight years, provided the small community of Torah
abiding Jews living in New York with the straightforward
Torah hashkofoh on current events. Despite the
challenging religious environment of the 1950s, the articles
which his paper ran were as resolute as the chareidi
newspapers printed today, when the Torah community is much
larger and better established. To do this, one needed not
only courage, but single-mindedness for Torah causes.
He consulted HaRav Aaron Kotler concerning the guidelines as
to what to print and what to omit.
The importance of having one faithful beacon of Torah
hashkofoh in New York against the numerous secular and
liberal Jewish papers that existed in those times, cannot be
underestimated. The Brisker Rov himself, one of the leaders
of Torah Jewry in Eretz Yisroel in the 1950s, sent him
instructions on how to report on the desecrations of Tanoim's
graves (in Beit Shearim), one of the major battles of Torah
Jewry in Israel of those days.
Rav Simcha's weekly paper was not at all sympathetic to the
prevailing Zionist institutions, even though most of Rav
Simcha's congregants were typical pro-Zionist Modern Orthodox
When Ben Gurion publicly stated kefirah about the
number of Jews who left Egypt, Rav Simcha took it to heart
personally and expressed his anguish at the chilul Hashem,
in large headlines which denounced Ben Gurion. Most of
the other community Jewish papers praised Ben Gurion and
spread his kefirah further. Rav Simcha kept up his
protest for weeks.
Another affair to which Rav Simcha gave wide coverage was the
issue of drafting women for the Israeli army and the innocent-
looking but even more dangerous related proposal of Sherut
Leumi. At Rav Aaron Kotler's urging, he continued to
publicize protests against the decree, remaining the only
American paper to protest the general Jewish community's pro-
Israeli government stand. He didn't hesitate to speak out
against prestigious American rabbis who criticized gedolei
Torah on this issue.
A more local issue which he took up is one that may seem
archaic to today's generation, but which greatly burdened the
shomer mitzvos community in the first half of the 20th
century — the "Blue Laws" which required stores to
remain closed on Sunday. This constituted a huge trial for
shomer mitzvos shop owners who not only had to give up
income from their stores on Shabbos, but couldn't even offset
their losses by opening their stores on Sunday.
Rav Simcha kept writing about the issue in his paper. On his
own initiative, without the backing of any organization, he
even went with HaRav Avrohom Kalmanowitz to see a New York
Supreme Court judge on the matter, asking him to tell police
not to fine store owners until the law would be officially
abolished. The issue was a difficult fight because religious
Jews hardly had political clout in those days.
His religious weekly paved the way for the Jewish Observer
of Agudas Yisroel that was launched a few years later,
and other Torah media that came onto the American scene
American Esrogim?
When he saw the difficulties involved in importing reliably
kosher esrogim to the United States, he decided to
encourage the growth of kosher esrogim locally. He
brought Chazon Ish esrog seeds to a family in
California and encouraged them to plant them.
The project was eventually taken over by other bnei
Torah who planted an entire orchard in California. This
initiative provided the American frum market with
reliable esrogim for the past two decades. During the
Shmittah year, when a number of gedolim in
Israel were reluctant to use local esrogim, they were
sent an esrog from the Californian orchard which they
used. The Californian orchard supplied bnei Torah in
America and even some in Israel with esrogim in the
last Shmittah.
Another community project which drew his involvement was the
Shomer Shabbos Council that was active in getting Jews to
close their stores on Shabbos. He would travel around in a
truck with a loudspeaker before Shabbos to warn the Jewish
shopkeepers, "Shabbos! Shabbos!" The Shomer Shabbos council
organized a Shabbos parade on Kings Highway in Flatbush.
Rabbis, bnei Torah and all people who wanted to be
mechazek Shabbos walked from Ocean Parkway to Ocean
Avenue encouraging stores to join the ranks of shomrei
In 1950, he published a booklet detailing the complicated
laws of erev Pesach that falls on Shabbos.
The Debilitating Stroke
Rav Simcha retired from his position of rav at the age of 68
and moved to Flatbush. Free of his community esponsibilities,
he was able to return to his primary love — learning
From 1970 he had been studying in the Mirrer yeshiva
unofficially, teaching groups of older retirees and also
young bochurim who needed chizuk and special
attention. This he continued after he became a retiree
A difficult period began for him in 1986, when he suffered a
massive stroke which left him immobilized. But a man like Rav
Simcha would not suffer such a debilitating setback without
putting up a fight. He invested superhuman efforts to stand
again and regain his mobility. No one could believe it when,
within half a year, he was once again walking independently.
He became a regular at the Rav Landau shul where he continued
learning, his kiruv work with boys who needed
encouragement, and his teaching of seniors.
He suffered from a large range of medical disabilities and
conditions in the following two decades until his passing.
Nonetheless, against all odds and the predictions of all his
doctors, he survived one medical crisis after another.
His miraculous medical escapes were well known in the family.
When asked to report her recollections of her grandfather,
his young granddaughter wrote, "My grandfather always
overcomes difficult situations with a sense of humor. When he
is in the hospital, the nurses enjoy taking care of him
because he always has a good joke for them and never
complains. Whenever I go to his house, he is always happy. I
don't think I ever saw him unhappy, even when he is in a lot
of pain."
Despite his weakening state and his need to use a wheelchair
during the last six years of his life, Rav Simcha kept going.
He kept up his daily davening in shul and his learning
sedorim, right up until his entry to the hospital
three months before his death.
Medical Miracles
Even during his last illness, when every day looked like it
would be his last, Rav Simcha was true to his name. He never
despaired of his condition and was always hopeful that he
would recover. He would lightly tell his doctors that he has
a backup system — his children and grandchildren in
America and Israel who were davening for him. Medical
personnel admitted that the old rabbi just wouldn't follow
the rules. Elderly people in his condition just didn't pull
through as many medical crises as he did.
Side-by-side with Rav Weissman's optimism and love of life,
was the great devotion and love which his family showered on
him. More than once, the family battled the doctors and
demanded treatments that would preserve their father's life.
His children explained to the exasperated nonreligious
doctor, "We believe that another second on earth is worth
every effort. Even if a person's body does not function, his
soul is alive and precious."
A medical intern once commented to the family, "Your family
is a testimony of how one should take care of a father."
Two weeks before Rosh Hashonoh of 5766, he was again battling
for his life in the Intensive Care Unit and experienced
clinical death. The main doctor told the nurses, "Do
everything possible to keep him alive because that's what the
family wants." The staff managed to resuscitate him.
Still Thinking About Others
On Rosh Hashonoh, a chaplain was going around the wards to
blow shofar for the Jewish patients and he entered his room.
An assimilated Jewish medical secretary came to hear the
tekios. Although Rav Simcha could no longer talk and
was extremely weak, he motioned to his daughter in the room
with him that the secretary in the corner should cover her
hair, which she willingly did.
After tekias shofar, Rav Simcha motioned that he
wanted to communicate with this Jewish lady. He lifted two
fingers to her. His daughter figured out he wanted her to
light two candles every Friday. The lady, visibly
overwhelmed, committed herself to this request. He made
another gesture, and they realized he wanted her to light the
candles before evening. The Jewish woman apologized and said
she regretted that she had never had a Jewish upbringing, but
she would go to a Jewish bookstore and buy a calendar.
The next day she surprised everyone when she brought eighteen
apples ("chai") with honey for all the Jewish
Even at such difficult moments, Rav Simcha was always
thinking of others and how to be mekarev others to
On the night of the 12th of Marcheshvan last year he passed
Levaya and Burial
The levaya was held the next day in the Mirrer Yeshiva
of Flatbush. Among those who attended were HaRav Chaim
Pinchos Scheinberg, rosh yeshiva of Torah Ore in Israel.
Maspidim included HaRav Shmuel Birnbaum, rosh yeshiva
of the Mirrer yeshiva in America; Rav David Hollander, rav of
the Hebrew Alliance of Brighton; Rav Shalom Simpson, rav of
the Seabreeze Jewish Center; Rav Nachum Goldberg zt'l
rav of the Adas Yisroel of the Lower East Side; Rav Aaron
Zuckerman, rav of the Agudas Israel of Avenue H; Rav Dovid
Weiner, rosh yeshiva of Yeshivas Chofetz Chaim; Rav Moshe
Handelsman, former executive director of the Mirrer Yeshiva;
Rav Simcha Soloveitchik and his sons.
The aron was then flown to Eretz Yisroel where further
hespedim were said in the Achva shul in Geula by his
son Rav Shlomo, a rosh kollel; his nephew Rav Heshy
Weissman, the rosh kollel of Kolel Meshech Chochmoh,
and his son-in-law Rav Menachem Roodman.
He was buried in Har Hamenuchos in the new Chelkas
He left behind not only a sterling life of accomplishment and
a beautiful name, but outstanding children and grandchildren
who are at the forefront of harbotzas haTorah in our
His sons include Rav Moshe Weissman, a rosh kollel in
Flatbush; Rav Nosson Weissman, menahel ruchani of the
Yeshiva Gedoloh of Passaic; Rav Tzvi Weissman, a rebbe in the
Lakewood cheder; Rav Michel Weissman, a ben Torah in
Lakewood; Rav Shlomo Weissman, a rosh kollel in Eretz
Yisroel; and sons-in-law Rav Zelig Pliskin, author of famous
Torah books, Rav Menachem Roodman, a maggid shiur in
Yerushalayim, Rav Shmuel Bender of Darchei Torah in Far
Rockaway, Rav Dovid Levovitz of the Lakewood cheder, Rav
Binyomin Bock, a marbitz Torah in Flatbush, and Rav
Chaim Weg, a rosh kollel in Scranton.
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