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Attempt to Impose Sale of Heter Mechirah Farm Produce
Rabbonim and kashrus organization heads are furious over the
Agricultural Ministry's attempt to force local rabbinates to
approve the sale of heter mechirah farm produce in
stark opposition to the opinion of gedolei Yisroel
The heads of outreach organization Acheinu, which offers
study centers and evening classes to introduce young men to
gemora and the world of yeshiva learning, received a
halachic ruling from Maran HaRav Eliashiv shlita
regarding the obligation to recite Bircas HaTorah
while teaching secular or newly religious youths.
Members of the Chanichei Hayeshivos beis din, HaRav
Yeshayohu Frankel, rov of the Kerem Yisroel-Kiryat Hertzog
area and rosh kollel of Kollel Mercaz HaTorah in Elad,
HaRav Avrohom Yehoshua Horovitz, who serves as a dayan and
moreh tzedek for Belz Chassidim in Ramat Elchonon, and
HaRav Mordechai Gross, who heads the beis din, agreed
to a request by farmers at Yesodot to visit the vineyards and
orchards in Yesodot.
A cloak of heavy mourning descended on the yeshiva world upon
hearing about the histalkus of HaRav Avrohom Yaakov
Zeidel Epstein zt"l, menahel ruchani at
Yeshivas Torah Ohr and one of the great mashgichim of
our generation, who returned his refined soul to his Maker on
"Evil Comes on its Own to an Evildoer" A shmuess by HaRav Shach ztvk"l given before Rosh Hashonoh Part II
The first part discussed the force of habit, and how we
reach higher levels on Yom Kippur but fall back. HaRav Shach
compared the promise of eternal life of the Torah with the
life of enjoyment that most of the world pursues. He noted
that living longer is a burden for those whose goal in life
is pleasure because one must seek pleasure for a longer time.
He also noted that the Torah that one innovates is eternally
quoted in Heaven.
A Mission to Spread Daas Torah
Looking for the Best in Yiddishkeit
The Immorality of Palestinian Combatants and Noncombatants
Erev Rosh HaShonnoh 5768 falls on Wednesday, Sept. 12, 2007,
and on it Hatoras Nedorim is carried out. On this
morning we say tachanun at selichos but not at
Shacharis or Minchah.
An eiruv tavshilim is made this year on Erev Rosh
Rosh HaShonnoh falls on Thursday, Sept. 13 and Friday,
Sept. 14, 2007.
The minhag is for the Mora DeAsra to deliver a
deroshah on Shabbos Shuvah to awaken the
olam to teshuvah and inform the community of
the halochos of Yom Kippur and Succos (see Mishnah
Berurah chap. 429).
5768 is the Shmita year in Eretz Yisroel and during
this year most agricultural work is prohibited. Many other
issurim are connected to Shmita such as not
engaging in sechorah with produce having kedushas
Shevi'is, using this produce in its accustomed way, not
handing over demei Shevi'is to an am ha'aretz
not careful in buying only tohor produce with it, not
causing a hefsed to this produce, not guarding this
produce for oneself, making a bi'ur after the produce
is no longer found in the fields, and not eating
According to the Chazon Ish also vegetables from non-Jews who
own farms in Eretz Yisroel, have kedushas Shevi'is,
thus obliging one to be careful in all of the above.
At the end of this year, erev Rosh HaShonnoh 5769, shmitas
kesofim (in the beginning of the Shmita year according to
the Rosh) is in effect and a pruzbull must be made for
loans or else the loans are null and void.
On Motzei Shabbos parshad Ha'azinu in Eretz Yisroel
the Summer Clock is discontinued for this year and clocks are
turned back one hour.