The heads of outreach organization Acheinu, which offers
study centers and evening classes to introduce young men to
gemora and the world of yeshiva learning, received a
halachic ruling from Maran HaRav Eliashiv shlita
regarding the obligation to recite Bircas HaTorah
while teaching secular or newly religious youths.
The question brought before Maran arose during the course of
the organization's day-to-day work in the field. The issue
was first considered by HaRav Osher Weiss, rosh yeshiva of
Yeshivas Darkei Torah. The question was then brought to HaRav
Yosef Efrati, who is in close contact with Maran and
presented the question to him in detail.
In responding, HaRav Eliashiv addressed the various sides of
the question, saying Torah study should definitely not be
deferred when Bircas HaTorah cannot be recited.
He also addressed the question of whether one of the
listeners can recite the brochoh for the other
learners, and said if one of them has definitely not recited
Bircas HaTorah that day then he should recite it with the
other lomdim in mind and they should also have
intention to fulfill the obligation. Reciting bircas Asher
Bochar Bonu is sufficient, he added.
If none of the listeners can recite a brochoh Maran
ruled that the maggid shiur can recite the
brochoh for them based on din arvus.
The ruling is expected to effect a substantial change in
study programs for those who are not yet keeping Torah and
mitzvas, since until now such programs has been conducted
without any brochoh.
With branches around the country, Acheinu pairs hundreds of
young men with avreichim for day-to-day gemora
study intended to give them a taste of the Torah
Shortly before the Acheinu conference held last winter, HaRav
Eliashiv told a delegation of organization heads that without
gemora study many young chozrim betshuvoh begin
keeping Torah and mitzvas, but fall back into their old ways,
whereas gemora study ensures that the young man will
remain steadfast in his return to Yiddishkeit.