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Notice to Our Readers Boruch Hashem we have managed to make arrangements with all the relevant parties and to receive permission from the relevant authorities to continue. Financing is on a "can afford" basis. We have arrangements in place for the news for a few weeks and we seek donors for other sections. Although it is not tzedokoh in the strict sense, for those who undertook ma'aser kesofim to include general mitzvah expenses, according to the rabbonim they may donate from their ma'aser kesofim. For information about sponsorship opportunities, including costs, please contact editor -at- shemayisrael dot com.
Campaign to Continue Until El-Al Signs Agreement Not to
Fly on Shabbos
Vaadas HaRabbonim Lema'an Kedushas HaShabbos was unable to
reach a last minute agreement with El-Al shareholders and
company executives during five hours of negotiations at the
office of Atty. R' Yaakov Weinroth last Monday night.
According to Vaadas HaRabbonim, if the airline does not
pledge to keep Shabbos fully the committee will be forced to
submit a recommendation to gedolei Yisroel to issue an
official notice not to patronize El-Al.
Maran HaRav Eliashiv:
"El-Al is now an imperiled [airline]. How does El-Al dare to
tamper with Shabbos and release itself from keeping Shabbos
Kodesh?" In response to both individuals and groups Maran
said, "It is a dishonor to Shomayim and undesirable to
fly with El-Al even in cases of large monetary losses."
The following statement was released by Agudath Israel Of
There should be no need to state the following, but to avoid
any misconceptions in the media or among members of the
public, Agudath Israel of America proclaims strongly and
unequivocally that the visibly Jewish men who regularly
appear publicly with virulent antisemites...
A special one-time grant of NIS 43 million ($10 million) is
being transferred to yeshivas and kollelim based on a UTJ
decision regarding the NIS 290 million ($70 million) the
party received in exchange for backing the current state
budget in last year's vote.
Yashir is about to become the first insurance company to aim
advertising at the chareidi and religious sector. The company
is launching a campaign for a savings plan for children. The
ads will run for 6-8 weeks at a cost of $50,000.
The Malam Group finished training the first group of women
for the Maalot project in Beitar Illit.
by HaRav Aharon Y. Leib Shteinman HaRav Shteinman made an inspiring visit last year to Ramat
HaSharon when he came to strengthen the Torah chinuch
institutions founded many years ago and developed by the
moro de'asra HaRav Yaakov Edelstein, who carries the
responsibility for the expansion of Torah study in the
capital of the Sharon. Chanukah — Lehodos Ulehallel — to Give Thanks
and Praise
Chazal established the eight days of Chanukah for
thanksgiving and praise to "Your great name." Another feature
established by Chazal for this festival is the commemoration
of the miracle, pirsumei nissa, by lighting the
Chanukah candles. They dwelt extensively upon this
A Mission to Spread Daas Torah
Looking for the Best in Yiddishkeit
The Immorality of Palestinian Combatants and Noncombatants