MKs Urge Jerusalem Police to Cancel Abominable Event
By Eliezer Rauchberger
Chareidi and religious MKs urged the police on Monday to
prohibit the awful event scheduled to take place in Jerusalem
next Friday in spite of unprecedented cross-party and
interfaith opposition.
IDF Will Try to Stop Arms Smuggling in Gaza
by M. Plaut and Yated Ne'eman Staff
Israel plans to expand its military offensive in the Gaza
Strip, to try to slow or stop the arms smuggling from Egypt.
It also wants to stop the slow but steady bombardment from
Kassam rockets from northern Gaza.
Agudath Israel Convention at New Location
by Yated Ne'eman Staff
Agudath Israel of America's 84th National Convention is to be
held November 23-26 at a new location: The Sheraton Stamford
Hotel in Stamford, Connecticut. Well-known community askan
Dr. David Diamond will serve as the chairman.
Education Ministry Funding for Privileged Organizations
By Betzalel Kahn
While the Justice Ministry constantly undermines budget
funding for chareidi education based on claims that the
budgeting fails to meet various criteria of fairness, when it
comes to the secular education system, anything goes. The
Marker revealed that several paragraphs of the Education
Ministry budget were specially drafted to fit certain
organizations in such a way that other organizations would
not be able to benefit from the funding.
Modiin Illit Donates Medical Supplies to Palestinian
by Yated Ne'eman Staff
Residents of Modiin Illit recently donated NIS 30,000 in
medical equipment to equip an ambulance owned by the
neighboring Palestinian village of Naleen.
Eternal Jewish Family Holds Conference in Boston
By Betzalel Kahn
Eternal Jewish Family, headed by HaRav Reuven Feinstein, held
a three-day conference this week at the Hyatt Hotel in Boston
following the success of the conference held in Jerusalem in
Many Passengers Served Non-Kosher Meals on El Al Code-
Sharing Flights
by Yechiel Sever
Recently a number of complaints have raised concerns of
kashrus problems regarding airplane meals. The problem
has arisen in the case of code-sharing flights in which the
passenger reserves a flight on El Al but the flight is
actually executed by a foreign airline.
Suits Imported from Turkey and Sold During Holidays May
Contain Shatnez
By Betzalel Kahn
Suits imported from Turkey and sold in Eretz Yisroel during
the holidays might contain shatnez. Concerns were
raised after an avreich, who chose not to rely on the
spot checks conducted by the importer, sent his new suit for
testing and the shatnez lab reported it did indeed
contain shatnez.
More News ...
The Modern World: A "Land Full of Chomos"?
Dr. William McGuire, the former head of the UnitedHealth
Group Inc., built up the company, which was near bankruptcy
when he took over, into the second largest insurer in the
United States. The stock price rose from two dollars when Dr.
McGuire took over to 60 dollars, though it has fallen back to
around 50 dollars.
HaRav Shach: At the Helm of the Yeshivos Hakedoshos
by HaRav Dovid Cohen
I once asked Maran ztvk'l for his opinion regarding
accepting to yeshiva gedolah students who had
previously studied in schools that did not conform to the
accepted daas Torah norm. Perhaps such students had
true potential for becoming bnei Torah and it would do
them an injustice to deny them acceptance; perhaps they had
gone to such schools only because their parents had insisted
on it.
More Opinion & Comment . . .
More Observations . . .
By Rebbetzin Nomi Travis
Every Shabbos, as I relax sitting in my couch right after
lighting candles and Kabbolas Shabbos, I look forward
to your articles. You have an original, thorough way of
tackling important subjects which many avoid commenting
More Home & Family . . .
Fifty Years for Chinuch Atzmai — A Special Interview
with Rav Henoch Cohen, director of Chinuch Atzmai in America
for 50 years
by Binyomin Y. Rabinowitz
The Journey
Fiction by B. Navon
Av, 5765 - Kislev 5766 (August-December 2005)
May-July, 2005
The Message of an Earthquake
A Mission to Spread Daas Torah
Looking for the Best in Yiddishkeit
Can I - Should I?
The Immorality of Palestinian Combatants and Noncombatants
More Editorials . . .
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