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MK Ravitz Presents Proposal to Limit High Court's
"I have no doubt the Knesset has a problem with the High
Court and there is no dispute over this and something has to
be done. The Knesset has an obligation to consider this
matter and have its say," MK Rabbi Avrohom Ravitz told the
Knesset plenum as he presented his proposal to limit the
authority of the High Court by denying it the ability to
annul Knesset legislation.
Vaadas HaRabbonim Lemaan Kedushas HaShabbos issued an
official announcement last week saying, "The lack of faith in
El Al following the act of Shabbos desecration on the night
of Shabbos Parshas Terumoh will only be mended after
the company carries out all of the promises it made following
the grave incident."
The Western Wall Plaza has now returned to normal after two
weeks of heavy police presence due to renovation work on the
Mughrabi ramp.
Traffic was congested at the points of entry to Jerusalem and
on the city streets on Shushan Purim, but unlike the
catastrophic traffic of previous years, this year the Traffic
Police was well prepared to keep traffic running more
"The government education system in the State of Israel is
lacking. A child in the government education system in the
State of Israel is not allowed the pray Minchah in an
empty room."
The Acheinu outreach conference opened on Tuesday at Keter
Harimon Halls in Bnei Brak. The three-day conference is
addressing ways to provide chizuk in Torah and
yiras Shomayim for youths drawing closer to
Yiddishkeit and to place them in chareidi educational
institutions and yeshivas.
Fire at Yeshivas Meshech Chochmoh A fire broke out in one of the wings of the Yeshivas Meshech
Chochmoh building in Jerusalem's Sanhedria Murchevet
neighborhood on Monday evening.
HaRav Yosef Buchsbaum zt"l, founder and head of Machon
Yerushalayim, was laid to rest in Jerusalem. The levaya set
out from his regular place of tefilloh at Beis Knesses
HaGra in Jerusalem's Shaarei Chessed neighborhood. HaRav Avrohom Blumenkrantz zt"l Thousands took part in the levaya of HaRav Avrohom
Blumenkrantz zt"l, a prominent posek and
educator in the US who passed away on Erev Shabbos Parshas
Terumoh (5 Adar) and was laid to rest two days later in Eretz
A Mission to Spread Daas Torah
Looking for the Best in Yiddishkeit
The Immorality of Palestinian Combatants and Noncombatants