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Will Protests Snowball? Will the Government Survive? Just a week after the cease-fire, many of the troops are still in Lebanon, and the protests are getting stronger and stronger.
MK Rabbi Moshe Gafni spoke out against the distribution of various budget cuts during a Knesset Finance Committee, saying "the whole cut is a blow to the weak."
A delegation of Agudas Yisroel of America is joining Degel
HaTorah and local Agudas Yisroel representatives to assist
northern residents. The delegation toured communities and
cities harmed by the war and met with local rabbonim and
other representatives, promising to assist families and
individuals who suffered financially as a result of missile
attacks as well as organizations that incurred debts in order
to assist them.
The ongoing busing crisis at Chinuch Atzmai and the concerted efforts to ensure busing remains available for thousands of girls and boys were the focus of an emergency meeting for the principals of hundreds of Chinuch Atzmai schools around the country at the Simchat Olam Events Hall in Bnei Brak.
MK Rabbi Moshe Gafni has been working to remove bureaucratic
obstacles preventing Torah institutions from receiving
funding. The bureaucratic snares stem from tightened
Education Ministry and NGO Registrar criteria for receiving
Proper Management Certificates and monthly funding
One hundred and forty of the evacuees from the Gaza Strip and Northern Samaria have already started new businesses and another 170 are at various stages of setting up businesses according to a report by the Economic Research Authority at the Ministry of Trade and Industry. A total of 310 evacuees are at some stage of setting up businesses compared to 620 business owners before the evacuation.
Based on a decision by Mayor Rabbi Uri Lupoliansky, the City of Jerusalem is adopting Kiryat Shemoneh and Tiberius to help their respective municipalities return to normal by sending aid delegations of various kinds. The delegations will operate according to a comprehensive plan the Mayor prepared after meeting with the mayors of the two cities to discuss their needs.
MK Rabbi Moshe Gafni is demanding that the ethical guidelines for courts and judges apply to botei din and dayonim as well. "Why should the ethical guidelines apply only to the Court?" he asked.
New Israeli Patent: Electronic Valve Deflates Tires in
Event of Theft A patent was recently registered in Israel for a revolutionary device that could reduce car thefts: an electronic valve that lets the air out of the tires in the event of an attempted car theft.
Our agenda these days is dominated by thoughts of Elul and the upcoming yemei hadin. But a lot of people on the public scene have different agendas that they are pursuing with vigor. Bas Ploni lePloni Ideas and Guidance from our Masters regarding shidduchim. Is it possible to lose one's Providential mate? What are the traits one should seek when one is looking for a spouse? How should one relate to a shidduch suggestion with several drawbacks? What about if someone has no means? What is someone is older?
Observations: When the Service Technician Turns into a
Salesman It can come as somewhat of a surprise when the service technician who arrives at your home to do repair work or to connect the new washing machine you bought turns into a merchant and starts to peddle his wares: a device to prevent lime buildup, a stand with wheels, filters, moisture absorbers or whatever your heart desires.
Crossroads at Mid-Life For some, it can be a job, for others, fulfilling a talent, for yet others, becoming more involved in community work . . . Don't think: Crisis. Think: Crossroads More Home & Family . . .
"Veyishme'u Rechokim Veyovo'u" Beacon of Torah Hashkofoh: The Immortal Influence of Reb
Moshe Sheinfeld zt'l, and His Writings
Av, 5765 - Kislev 5766 (August-December 2005)
EARLIER EDITORIALS A Mission to Spread Daas Torah Looking for the Best in Yiddishkeit The Immorality of Palestinian Combatants and Noncombatants
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