Parshas Shelach (Parshas
Korach in Eretz Yisroel), 5766
Sunday, 22 Sivan - Shabbos, 28 Sivan 5766
(June 18-24, 2006) |
Yoma 11-17
Terumos 44-50
Ta'anis 2:10-4:4
Orach Chaim 568:11-575:2
Ovos: 4
Molad: Monday 5:25 A.M.
in Eretz Yisroel:
Parshas Behaalosecho (Parshas Shelach
in Eretz Yisroel)
7:12 P.M.
Bnei Brak:
7:27 P.M.
London: 9:04 P.M.
Johannesburg: 5:06 P.M.
Melbourne: 4:52 P.M.
Parshas Shelach (Parshas Korach in
Eretz Yisroel)
7:13 P.M.
Bnei Brak:
7:28 P.M.
London: 9:06 P.M.
Johannesburg: 5:07 P.M.
Melbourne: 4:53 P.M.
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Yated Ne'eman-Bnei Brak!

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 Shema Yisrael Torah Network

 At The Center of the Universe by Mordechai Plaut
Palestinians Lied with Deliberate Malice
by M Plaut and Yated Ne'eman Staff
An IDF committee investigating the deaths of seven
Palestinians in an explosion at a Gaza beach last Friday has
concluded that the IDF did not cause the explosion. The flip
side, which the committee did not address, is that the
Palestinian sources who blamed Israel were deliberately lying
when they fingered Israel as the cause of the tragedy.
State Prosecutor's Office Does Not Show Up at Meeting on
Autopsy of Baby in Ashdod
By Eliezer Rauchberger
"The State Prosecutor's conduct is shameful and anti-
democratic. They simply are unable to respond to the serious
claims against them and therefore just did not come to the
committee meeting. And even worse is that Justice Minister
Chaim Ramon stands here before us and defends them.
International Rabbinical Conference in Jerusalem to
Buttress Halachic Conversion
By Betzalel Kahn
An international rabbinical conference scheduled to take
place next month in Jerusalem will focus on upholding
conversions in accordance with halochoh. Prominent rabbonim
and dayonim are expected to attend, discussing various facets
of the issue and setting clear guidelines for conversions
performed by Torah-true rabbonim around the world.
Reform and Conservative Demanding Access to Public Mikvehs
for Conversion Purposes
By Betzalel Kahn
Following a High Court petition for not recognizing Reform
"conversions," banning quasi-religious ceremonies at the
Kosel Maarovi and various other acts running counter to
halochoh, the Reform and Conservative movements have found
another issue to bring before the High Court as part of their
efforts to weaken the foundations of Judaism.
Finance and Education Ministries to Provide Funding Needed
to Resume Chinuch Atzmai Busing
By Betzalel Kahn
Following two weeks of concerted efforts by MK Rabbi Moshe
Gafni to remedy the Chinuch Atzmai bus service, which had
been discontinued yet again due to a lack of funding, Rabbi
Gafni notified the heads of Chinuch Atzmai and various
principals he managed to secure the funding needed to operate
the transportation system at Chinuch Atzmai institutions
around the country.
NIS 290 to be Transferred to Chareidi Institutions
Following Budget Deal
By E. Rauchberger
The budget was approved in a 35-22 vote last week after the
Economic Arrangements Law passed with a large majority.
Elevators to Connect Jewish Quarter to Kosel Maarovi
by Betzalel Kahn
Jerusalem Mayor Rabbi Uri Lupoliansky instructed municipality
officials to build an elevator connecting the Jewish Quarter
to the Western Wall Plaza in order to assist the elderly, the
handicapped and large families.
France and France Railroad Ordered to Compensate Holocaust
Victims for Deportation
By Arnon Yaffeh, Paris
Only after 61 years had passed was France's state-owned
railroad company SNCF found guilt of deporting Jews in cattle
cars, pressed in behind locked doors. Last week a Toulouse
court circumvented all of the legal obstacles heaped on the
case by the French government (e.g. statute of limitations
and claims it was forced to cooperate with the occupying
forces), ordering the State and the railroad company to
compensate the Lipietz family.
Jerusalem's Chareidi Education System Leads the Way in
Road Safety Instruction
By Betzalel Kahn
Talmud Torah Yemin Hashem Romema won this year's road safety
award given by the Education Minister and Transportation
Minister. The talmud Torah won the award for the
teaching staff's efforts to inculcate the students with the
importance of safety based on a chareidi perspective,
providing Jewish sources on the issue of safety.
More News ...
Fighting Words
On Friday, seven members of a Palestinian family picnicking
on a beach (according to Palestinian reports) were killed by
an explosion. The Palestinians reported that Israel was at
fault (as they always do) but refused to show any evidence
that this was so.
Age of the Universe
by R' Dovid Kornreich
Why is everybody else so sure?
It is an unquestioned ikkar of science that the
universe is billions of years old. To deny it in scientific
and academic circles is tantamount to denying the law of
More Opinion & Comment . . .
by Gita Gordon
Serializing a new novel.
Chapter 23: The Search for Fred Smith (May 2002)
As Eli and Fay are on their way to Israel, the search
continues by the mobsters for Fred Smith, who betrayed the
Life Journeys: Lessons from the Heart
One Month to Live
by Sara Gutfreund
When he is told that he has only one month to live, he
returns home and makes a cup of mint tea. He sits on the
wicker porch swing and looks up at the sky which is so blue
that it hurts his eyes.
More Home & Family . . .
Jerusalem's Master Plan: Expanding Outward and
by Betzalel Kahn
Truth and Falsehood
by A. ben Aharon
Av, 5765 - Kislev 5766 (August-December 2005)
May-July, 2005
The Message of an Earthquake
A Mission to Spread Daas Torah
Looking for the Best in Yiddishkeit
Can I - Should I?
The Immorality of Palestinian Combatants and Noncombatants
More Editorials . . .
Additional Luach Information
According to the Ramo (494:3) we do not say tachanun
from Rosh Chodesh Sivan until after Isru Chag (there
are other minhogim that do not say tachanun
until after the seven days of hashlomoh that follow
On Rosh Chodesh Sivan we do not say tachanun as we do
on every Rosh Chodesh. The second of Sivan is called Yom
HaMeyuchas since after yetzias Mitzrayim Hashem
commanded Moshe to say to bnei Yisroel: "Now therefore
if you will obey My voice indeed, and keep My covenant, then
you shall be My own treasure from among all peoples"
(Shemos 19:5) to prepare them for Torah. Afterwards,
the third, forth, and fifth of Sivan are the Sheloshes
Yemei Hagboloh when bnei Yisroel waited for
kabolas HaTorah (Mishnah Berurah 494:8, and see
Shabbos 86-88).
Shavuos falls on Friday, 6 Sivan (June 2) and in
Chutz La'aretz also on Shabbos, 7 Sivan (June 3). An
eruv Tavshilin must be made on erev Shavuos,
Thursday, in order to be permitted to cook on the first day
of Shavuos, Friday, for Shabbos.
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