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Israel Seeks to Defeat Hizbullah Israel is seeking to deal a decisive defeat to Hizbullah and not just a strong blow. This is what is meant by Israeli officials who say that they seek to change the rules of the game in Lebanon.
The Rabbinical Conference for Correct Conversion and the Prevention of Intermarriage of the Lillian Jean Kaplan Jewish Pride Through Education Project opened at the Metzudat David Hotel in Jerusalem on Monday this week. The three-day event was graced by the presence of gedolei Yisroel, prominent rabbonim who came to address the hundreds of rabbonim in attendance, and dayonim and marriage registrars and hundreds of other participants.
The Ministry of Construction and Housing is reporting a 23 percent reduction in the number of apartment units marketed overall in Israel from February to May 2005. During this period tenders were publicized for 1,519 housing units at 37 sites and winners were selected for 1,134 units. Approximately one-fourth of the apartments offered in the tenders were not sold to developers.
MKs and ministers are lodging harsh attacks against the
Movement for Quality in Government following the blow the
organization took when the High Court rejected its petition
against funding Education Ministry transfers to Merkaz
Chinuch Atzmai and Maayan Hachinuch Hatorani.
Betzedek is working to reverse a discriminatory Education Ministry directive to compensate teachers for test preparation only if the students take the Bagrut Exams, thereby excluding teachers at chareidi high schools for girls, where students take the Szold Exams.
Due to modest dress and a different leisure culture Bnei Brak has the lowest incidence of melanoma (skin cancer) in Gush Dan, according to figures published by Maccabi Health Services.
The Chareidi Plan for Peace in the Middle East — II
Crucial to understanding the chareidi approach to this and other issues is the distinction between practical issues and ideological issues. Bein Hazmanim and Advice for Kiruv by a Ben Torah Before we enter bein hazmanim we have to realize that it requires preparation, like any spiritual endeavor. If one does not prepare himself he would be like someone who commits suicide. The foundation of bein hazmanim is that we must have things to do.
Return Serializing a new novel. Chapter 26: Later that Day in New York City Daniel has met his parents in Jerusalem, and now they have gotten together with his wife Esther and Rav Dov to catch up on what has happened. Meanwhile, in New York . . .
ASK THE SHADCHAN Question: Every Shabbos, as I relax on my couch right after candle- lighting, I look forward to your articles. You have an original, thorough way of tackling important subjects which many avoid commenting on. More Home & Family . . .
Culture for Everyone! — But Each to His Own Fences
Av, 5765 - Kislev 5766 (August-December 2005)
EARLIER EDITORIALS A Mission to Spread Daas Torah Looking for the Best in Yiddishkeit The Immorality of Palestinian Combatants and Noncombatants
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