Vaad Hayeshivos Be'eretz Yisroel publicized a call to all
members of the holy yeshivas around the country to
strengthen their Torah study and increase their prayers and
supplications in light of the current state of affairs in
Eretz Hakodesh.
Harav Yosef Zvi Dunner, av beis din in London and
nosi of Agudas Yisroel in Europe, wrote a letter urging the
Jews in Europe to pray and to recite many chapters of
Tehillim after davening, "le'ohr hamatzav hakosheh
beEretz Yisroel." Many other rabbonim also issued similar
Headed "Hakol Kol Yaakov" a special notice from the
Vaad Hayeshivos in Eretz Yisroel that was posted at yeshivas
read, "In times of trouble for Yaakov from which we will be
saved, all yeshiva students in Torah halls are called upon
to strengthen Torah study and to increase prayers and
"When the voice of Yaakov sounds in botei knessiyos
and botei medroshos the hands of Eisov are not
effective. "And who caused our legs to stand in war? The
gates of Jerusalem, whose residents were engaged in Torah."
(Makkos 10a)
In conclusion the notice reads, "And may the words of this
week's Haftorah reading quickly come to fruition:
`And they shall fight against you but they shall not prevail
against you, for I am with you, says Hashem, to deliver you'
(Yirmiyohu 1:19)."
The Vaad Hayeshivos call joins a recent call by gedolei
Yisroel shlita to hold extra tefillos and
chizuk and his'orerus gatherings in light of
the present state of affairs.
School principals and camp organizers cancelled various
field trips and excursions around the country after Maran
HaRav Eliashiv shlita, responding to a question,
said, "During these days of `Eis tzoroh hi leYaakov'
it is not an appropriate time for excursions and visits at
various sites in any location organized by schools and
summer camps.