City of Jerusalem Advances Building Plan for Darkei Rochel
by Betzalel Kahn
Alongside a solution recently found besiyata deShmaya
to deal with overcrowded conditions and lack of a building at
Darkei Rochel Seminary, efforts toward a permanent solution
continue and recently a move was made to alter the zoning for
a plot of land in the Sanhedria area, designating it for a
large building complex to serve the 2,000 students.
As part of its efforts to advance the plan to allocate land
in the Sanhedria area for the Darkei Rochel Seminary, the
municipality has submitted a request to the District Planning
and Construction Committee to rezone the land. According to
the request, since the area in question has no upper-grade
schools for girls, the construction project would offer a
fitting response to meet these urgent needs. This is in
addition to the pressing needs of the city's overall chareidi
education system, which needs numerous land reserves for the
construction of educational institutions in and near chareidi
neighborhoods. After all the rezoning plans are approved the
Department of Chareidi education plans to assign the site to
Darkei Rochel.
Although final approval is still far away with several
hurdles to overcome, including city councilmen and other
potential opponents, plans have been made to work resolutely
to solve these problems and advance the construction plans
for the Darkei Rochel building complex.