Daf Yomi — Innovation and Inspiration
Daf Hayomi is a wonderful example of a modern innovation
within the Jewish religion. It shows that there is room for
new initiatives, that the Torah community can come up with
things that are genuinely new even while remaining strictly
within the bounds of the Torah.
Supporting Full-Time Torah Study: An Analysis of
Teachings from Gedolei Yisroel and their Implications in
Contemporary Times
by Rabbi N. Grossman
Ever since the spiteful cutbacks in government support for
the economically weaker sections of society, including the
Torah-studying community systematically carried out by the
previous Likud-Shinui-Mizrachi government against Torah
institutions in general and kollelim in particular,
the financial hardship of kollel members who, with
mesirus nefesh, devote their life to Torah study has
been in the limelight.
The Covenant of the Oral Torah
By HaRav Eliyohu Moshe Ehrentreu
Part I
Introduction: An Allusion in the Weekly Parsha
We are told that the sefer Torah that a Jewish king
must have written, "should be with him and he should read in
it all the days of his life" (Devorim 17:19). The
Chasam Sofer zt'l explains the words, "all the days of
his life" as referring not to the duration of his reading but
to its subject.
"For Mordechai Became Exceedingly Great"
Excerpts from a book recently released, on the life and
works of HaGaon R' Mordechai Pogramonsky zt'l
R' Mordechai was invited to attend a bris taking place
in France, after the war. R' Mordechai set out on a Friday
together with another Jew. They grew so immersed in divrei
Torah that they became confused about their destination
and got off the train at the wrong stop.
Suggestions for Adar
To The Editor:
The first mishnah in Shekolim states that Adar is the
appointed time for marking kevorim. I would like to
propose a practical suggestion which would benefit many.
Politica The Final Hurdle
By E. Rauchberger
Preparations to execute the disengagement plan are in full
swing now that the government has passed the Settlement
Evacuation Law and the Prime Minister and Defense Minister
signed evacuation orders. The right has come to realize that
the process is now irreversible and, surprisingly, even some
rabbis identified with the settlers are calling on them to go
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