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The National Religious Party's executive committee voted nearly unanimously to quit Prime Minister Ariel Sharon's coalition on Monday. The government is now clearly a minority coalition of only 55, with 40 Likud and 15 Shinui MKs. The opposition is deeply divided, but nonetheless the government will have a hard time functioning.
Excavation work at the ancient Jewish cemetery in Acco ceased last Sunday (23 Cheshvan) and the mass demonstration scheduled to take place in Jerusalem that afternoon was cancelled.
Prominent rabbonim and public figures from Israel and other
countries will be included among the speakers at the 82nd
Agudas Yisroel of America Conference scheduled to take place
12-15 Kislev (November 25-28) at the Stamford Westin Hotel in
Stamford, Connecticut.
In a special letter addressed to one of the organizers of a
weekend vacation package called "Nofesh Piut
Vehischazkus" scheduled for Thursday, Friday and Shabbos
Parshas Toldos at the Kibbutz Nes Ho'amim Guesthouse, HaRav
Nissim Karelitz said that participating in the vacation
package is strictly forbidden.
The Jerusalem District Court is weighing its ruling on a
petition filed by Betzedek to obtain the names of businesses
that have received permits to work on Shabbos.
An agreement to hold a mass rally for the sake of Shabbos
observance scheduled to take place on 29 Teves at Yad Eliyahu
Stadium in Tel Aviv was signed by Rabbi Refoel Halperin and
the stadium management. At the time of the signing, the
members of the stadium board were told about the purpose of
the rally, expressed their support and asked the Shabbos
Committee to make it known that no events are ever held at
the site on Shabbos and Jewish holidays.
The dilapidated Machkemoh Wall, located adjacent to the Kosel
Maarovi, is undergoing reinforcement and restoration work
with the aid of the Antiquities Administration.
Principals Reject Education Ministry Efforts to Apply
Salary Ranking System to Teachers at Chareidi
Institutions A decision by Moetzes Gedolei HaTorah to call on principals
not to consent to any curricular changes and not to change
their government status from "exempt" to any other status is
making waves among principals throughout Eretz Yisroel.
The American Jewish vote in the past election (based on the results of exit polls which may not be fully accurate in characterizing a minority as small as the Jews in a country as big as the USA) can be characterized in many ways. About 25 percent of the Jews voted for President Bush. That means that three-fourths of the Jews voted for Senator Kerry. Four years ago only 19 percent of the Jews voted for Bush. That means that four out of five voted for the Democrat Al Gore four years ago. Are the Anti-Shechita Agitators in the UK Really Concerned
with Animal Welfare? Whilst behind-closed-door negotiations are in progress between British Jewish community leaders and government ministers in an effort to retain the status quo on the Shechita procedures in the United Kingdom, it seems appropriate to reflect on some fundamental issues of animal welfare. More Opinion & Comment . . .
Tell it to the Rosh Yeshiva MONOLOGUE Good afternoon to you, K'vod Harav. Thank you, I hope it WILL be a good afternoon. I've had a lousy morning. I had a ride all the way to Neve Yaakov, which isn't bad, but I drove around there for twenty minutes and couldn't find anyone willing to come back to town. You're my first pickup. More Home & Family . . .
HaRav Aharon Leib Shteinman Strengthens the Torah
Community of the United States and Europe A Career in East Berlin
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